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Smoking in public places

Guest imported_Europe

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Guest imported_Europe

What is your opinion on this subject?

Should it be outlawed?

Should smokers light up anywhere?

Whats it like where you live right now?

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I think you should be able to smoke in bars.........I mean,shiiiiit......I don't feel you have to go outside everytime you light up while your're drinking.......but at the same time,I understand that not everyone smokes and that they don't want to be affected by the 2nd hand smoke cigarettes produce.

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^ watch out now!


Around here they split the licence into with 'bar' or 'restaurant'.


Bar - smoking is ok but no one under 18 is allowed in.

+ they have a non-smoking section


Restaurant - everyone can come in but there's no smoking at all.


I think it worls because if you're in a bar, expect some smoke.

If you in the library or a hospital waiting room, it should be smoke free.

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my thought on this subject.


where i just moved from, cigarettes in bars are banned, i was not there when the law went into effect... so i do not know the repurcusions.


where i am know.. you can smoke almost everywhere... bars, cafes, restaraunts, and today... in line to sign up for classes at my university.


now for my thoughts on it.


when was the last time you went into a bar and expected to come out healthy?


as for restaraunts, i personally cannot deal with someone smoking near me when i eat... i just dont like it, and i am a smoker.


that is that.

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^^agree. smoking while eating fast food or something like that can be enjoyable, and you can do that while eating outside at a coffee shop or with takeout and shit like that, but who smokes while eating a big meal in a restaurant? there should be smoking and non smoking sections, if they're actually separated rooms.. and i think its dumb you cant smoke in bars. other than that the regulations make sense, i wouldnt want to be smelling smoke in a public building, its not that hard to go outside and smoke.

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I don't smoke, but I think outlawing it is complete horseshit. Yea, I kinda like not coming home smelling like a 3-alarm fire, but fuck...its a bar...what do you expect? Plus...if you get rid of the smoking...you get rid of 50% of guys actual working lines...hey...can I bum a smoke? Instant in. Rule #147 in going out to the bars...always...and I mean always...bring a lighter...even if you don't smoke. sad to say, but a lighter can get you laid.


no such laws exist in my territory yet.

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Guest imported_Tesseract
Originally posted by PedroHammers


when was the last time you went into a bar and expected to come out healthy?



Hahaha, fuckin awesome.


Where i live, people smoke all the time...i am a smoker but it used to irritate me at times. A law passed some years ago and it prohibits smoking in all public places, subway stations, universities, banks, hospitals, airports etc etc etc. Bars are full smoking and restaurants and cafes are split in smoking and non smoking sections. Since my country has the biggest perecntage of smokers in europe, you realise that many of those things arent really applied. I mean, i love how underground train stations dont smell like shit anymore but i still dont see reason not to smoke in an outdoors station. I'm also very sceptic towards just how bad can second hand smoke be. There is proof that cigarettes are associated with cancer but not all smokers get it..and even those who do might get it from other cause. I' aint gonna front like smoking is healthy but hysteria isnt ok by me. If you check out how many things in everyday life are bad for you and associated with cancer you shouldnt even breathe. I also think its fuckin unexpectable not to allow people to smoke in restaurants. Smoking after food is one of the biggest pleasures of a smoker.I'm sure that a restaurant that respects their client should split the joint in half have a dope ventilation system and thats about all it needs. I've been to bars that were so well ventilated that couldnt even feel the smoke flow.


Another thing that pisses me off to death is the fact that for years and years all media in america proposed smoking as a lifestyle non stop all over the globe. Now, everyone in america is paranoid about it...whats awfull about that, is that smoking and non smoking came off like a fashion in the same way people did it to be cool, now they eat and reproduce all the mass hysteria.

Like you people ever needed those neuclear shelters in your basement...

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I'm not too worried about smoking being banned in public places where i live. After all Im in the middle of tobacco growing country and i dont think the politicians could possibly be that stupid. I'd hate to be in florida or Cali right now. I have to smoke or I start slapping heads off.



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that is the best, and everything you stated is so true.. coming from that side of the ocean and living in europe now, i really do see the hypocrisy of the system over there..



smoking here is supposed to be banned. tonight waiting for my train i did smoke in an underground station... or rather a Ubahn Station.

... too many people in this city are too used to smoking wherever, whenever they want...


and i must agree with you, a smoke is the perfect thing after a perfect meal at a good restaraunt.

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Guest imported_Tesseract

I personally like to brake laws but i think that bending them is absolutely nessecary(sp) for a healthy society.

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Here if you serve more food than alcohol, smoking is not permitted, which is nice In resteraunts and the such, but then theres been a big stink because alot of sport bars had to ban it as well (cause they serve alot of food) and theyve lost some business to that. I personally like being in a somewhat clean air environment but like someone allready said if your going to a bar you pretty much have to expect it.

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mental note:


If I ever open a club or bar, have it established as a 'private club'.

See you can bend all sorts of rules if people are willing to pay $1

to become lifetime members of your club. Then you could set rules

down as you see fit. If someone has a problem with smoking, they

dont get invited to join the club and are therefore not allowed on the

property. If a current member raises a stink about something, they

get their card cut up and they are also barred. easy.


My city tried to pass a full non-smoking rule in all bars and clubs about

5 years ago. It lasted for about 2 months. No one would enforce it.

And here's the tricky part... the Legion Halls were permitted to keep

smoking because they are a private club (even the ones in the bar

district that had other bars surrounding them). hahaha... dont fuck with the vets!

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smoking in bars should be permitted. smoking in restuarants should too, as long as there's a seperate ventilation system for the smoking and non-smoking sections.


smoking outdoors shoudn't even be an issue. i mean, fuck, you're outside.

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on the one hand it grosses me out.


on the other, it's an infringement on my rights.


at the very least, it shouldn't be allowed around children, and obviously in small enclosed areas.


of course, i dont think anything so blatently addictive should be allowed if something like crack isn't.


you'd think if there's enough of a demand by voters for non smoking establishments, that capitalism woulda sorted this out.

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i think its bullshit that i cant smoke in the bars around here

its so rediculous, i mean youre destroying your liver in the bar anyway

so whats a lung gonna matter?


there are a few places i can still smoke in around here

-the hooka bar

-a few local clubs

-and one shithole mexican restaurant



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I'm a smoker so I can't really talk... wish I wasn't and one day I won't be but... I've heard some shit once like 'Isn't having a smoking section in a restaraunt like having a pissing section in a pool?'... thought that was pretty funny. I think smoking should be outlawed completely, tobacco is the only product that when used as intended will kill you, hows that for fucked up?

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