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nigga your real quick to come out and call someone toy...

thats all the fuck i see from your lame ass...

"aw you lame ass toys fuckin toys toy this toy that"

nigga shut the fuck up with your lame ass...

soundin like a little bitch over a INTERNET BATTLE..

loosing a internet battle with people you DONT EVEN KNOW

really hits your ego doesnt it? cause u always pull the same "toy card"

every time you go on one of these bullshit rants...

nobody fucking cares on why your lost or how everyone is a toy

because they didnt vote for your used up old school style...

you lost nigga?? SO FUCKING WHAT.. you lost...

take it like a man and move the fuck on....

i dont care how "fresh" your style is or how long you've been

in the graff game or who you know or that you'll "burn my toy ass"

your acting like a fucking FEMALE...

and im done with this.....

either post up a sketch for the next battle or leave the bitching

and crying for your mama or someone who really cares....

and on that note my sketch shall be in sometime tonight possibly...

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loosing to a toy is a big deal to me you fuckin toy ass bitch nigga.

its all a set up and its degrading to real writers such as my self to see you and ya crew of toys come on here and get votes as if they actually know what they are doing. get that thru ya thick plastic skull you toy...

you quick to try and shut me down because you most likely suspect at advocating the toys on here you fuckin toy, so why dont you shut the fuck up already.

and btw, keep downloading my images and practicing my pieces on the low, you jocking newjack....

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and keep on comparing me to Kanye west...

It clearly shows how much you sweat Kanye..

And you a fuckin herb for sweating kanye, just like you a herb for voting aerosoul.

And please dont ever compare me to a cry baby bitch like Kanye...

He sucks. If Kanye was a graff artist, he most likely would have your style rushawn...

dont front...

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loosing to a toy is a big deal to me you fuckin toy ass bitch nigga.

its all a set up and its degrading to real writers such as my self to see you and ya crew of toys come on here and get votes as if they actually know what they are doing. get that thru ya thick plastic skull you toy...

you quick to try and shut me down because you most likely suspect at advocating the toys on here you fuckin toy, so why dont you shut the fuck up already.

and btw, keep downloading my images and practicing my pieces on the low, you jocking newjack....




yeeeeea im biting your pieces....

you fucking wish homie...

who the hell are you to declare who is a real writer or not?

nigga u aint nobody special... and im just being real...

you win some you loose some... dont get all butt hurt

cause you didnt win a battle you fucking FEMALE...

ok you didnt win, maybe your sketch was the best and

you still didnt win... soooooo fucking what...

its not the end of the world, its not the last battle on earth,

your not winning a damn thing out of it but a little *

or / next to your name on the score board....

im tired of coming in here and seeing a whole page

of people complaining about your bitch ass cause you

didnt win another battle... and honestly yo if u really wanna be

like that yo.... FUCK YOU AND YOUR STYLE....

you aint nothing special... i can go look at subway art

or watch style wars or anything of that sort and BAM...

there goes your steelo... i could give a fuck less on who you

are or any of that type of shit.. i dont care....

either post up a sketch for the next battle, or leave it be....

and you are like kanye...

bitching and whinning like a little ass kid.... as a matter of fact

thats exacley how im gonna adress you from now on..

so are you entering the next battle MR. WEST???

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This proves that you internet fagits are fake.

when a real nigga gets on here and burns yall, yall vote for the wackner ones, so yall will feel like yall got a chance to rise..

News flash you herb;


you and your style, taste and comments are gutter worthy.

you shit head.

And take ya Kanye West songs and commit some more blasphemy with your jesus walks song nigga.

You fake, and ya whole self style is fake. thats why you trying to label me kanye west, because thats who you rep.

Low life scum bag d-generit!

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your fucking stupid yo... its not even about a new nigga

comin up in the thread... majority of the heads wasnt feeling

your sketch... dont take it to the left titty u lame ass...

and yeeea i listen to kanye all the time... you know

cause you know me right? nigga please.... yeah i havent been

in the game as long as most cats but everyone starts off somewhere right?

i bet when you started out you were that faggot ass lil kid nobody liked

who always chased the writers around wanted them to tag his black book

and take him bombing with them.... you dont know me to call me fake....

and i dont know you to call you fake neither... but the way you represent

yourself on here makes you seem like a complete fucking LAME ASS


and if you realy dont like the thread and how it is.. DONT FUCKING POST HERE..

make your own "REAL WRITERZ" thread...

fuckin lame ass...

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your fucking stupid yo... its not even about a new nigga

comin up in the thread... majority of the heads wasnt feeling

your sketch... dont take it to the left titty u lame ass...

and yeeea i listen to kanye all the time... you know

cause you know me right? nigga please.... yeah i havent been

in the game as long as most cats but everyone starts off somewhere right?

i bet when you started out you were that faggot ass lil kid nobody liked

who always chased the writers around wanted them to tag his black book

and take him bombing with them.... you dont know me to call me fake....

and i dont know you to call you fake neither... but the way you represent

yourself on here makes you seem like a complete fucking LAME ASS


and if you realy dont like the thread and how it is.. DONT FUCKING POST HERE..

make your own "REAL WRITERZ" thread...

fuckin lame ass...


Majority of who???

exactly, tasteless wanna be niggas, including you, so go run in traffic and disable ya self and do us all a favor and stay out the streets. TOY!


and all you niggas talking about me crying and saying all this othershit in support of these fagits who wish they were down with me, are a bunch of jocks...

Jock deez nuts you toy bitch asses.


You all the ones crying. Just like some pussies. and to top it off, you write like a preschooler. You a retard and ya whole style is baby.:o

Grow the fuck up, get on my level, and then maybe, you might have a valid point...

corn ball ass bitch nigga.:rolleyes:

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How dare this baby challenge me with his primitive skills? It makes me angry. he's just as good as dead. My syle is discombobulatingly devastating I could feel his muscle tissues collapse under my force. It's ludicrous this mortal even attempt to enter my realm.

All praise is to Allah, I'll battle any man, any animal, if Jesus were here I'd battle him too.

i hurt feelings.

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