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Guest Propaganda

Sorry no Show..


My sketch is all ready just my school scanners are not letting me use time to use it for some my work. I will try to have it up by monday. There shouldn't be excuse there dudes. If you want to cancel I understand but Im really really looking forward to this battles. You know how it is lust and entrye.



I just jumped in 20 deeper....


PS: On the good side tho, I just got my 5000 blank stickers in. :)

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Originally posted by CrmeXprssion

hey KIRS, aint u going to post ur sketch for the ALAR battle? we r waiting on u dude.

I dont think so cuz his mom ..said he was punished hahahhahahhaha.......hahahhahahhaa so now he cant go on the internet hahahha....LMBDO!!!:D :D
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Guest Propaganda
Originally posted by 0oERBLo0

yo entyr lets battle, pen only i dont got any markers...reply


Can I get on this pen only battle?






Ugly handsteez but I do me....





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Well, nothing is really wrong. It's just that... I think it would be a "hellofalot" better if the people who vote would say why they picked that person. I'm sick of seeing:





I vote This.


ThIs HAs mY VoTEZ.


This is the shit. He has my vote







I'm just using THIS as an example by the way. But anywho, my suggestion CAN bring trouble. Let's say some anomynous toy said that so-and-so has better letters than than whomever. That person (whomever) would probably say something on the lines of.... "Fuck you you fucking toy. You have no idea what you are talking about. You know shit about letter structure. I've been in the game for 8 months, 3 weeks, 2 days, 4 hour, 32 minutes, and 5 seconds... SO SHUT THE FUCK UP!!1".




So yeah. Carry on. It's just an opinion.



oh and...

ugh... anyone up for one? I promise that I'll actually get to sketching this time...
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para for the alar battle

starz on the siame


Yellow Feets- you can make some sort of battling hierarchy.. so, for exmaple, only people who had won battles to one or more of the participants in the current battle can vote.

i dont really support your opinion, but that could be a way to screen-out toys.

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Originally posted by gang_starr



uhh i colored my first sketch i guess i'll use this one instead sorry starz for the inconvenience.....mmm anyone know how to get rid of the red x's? cause all i can see is mine and lusts' for wens, and i cant see dr. goe's either.



when does this battle end??? can i get down?

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