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Originally posted by not_like_you To bad my wack handstyle burns anything you've ever come up with..Nigger maybe you should have learned how to WRITE graffiti before biting DAIM you stupid fuck..

I havent had beef with you, but you seem mighty big headed. "nigger" you called me retarded because I have shitty handstyles? racism is whats retarded. I should have learned how to write graffiti before i bit daim? okay? How do you come up with this? I had been sketching and painting for 2 years before I even atempted to try 3D. When i did attempt 3D I looked at alot of daim because it was hard for me to think of letters in 3 dimmensions. Yes he influenced me in my early 3D sketches. I am not ashamed of that, its not like go around bloating on how good my 3D skills are, because they arent good. But now that I have a good understanding of 3 dimmensional letters I try to create somthing original, which is what you are lacking in my opinion, and most likley alot of other peoples. I'm not a great writer, and its taken some time, but I realize my place in the world of graffiti. It's very small, but I'm not trying to be big headed saying that I can burn everyone and anything. I have been big headed in the past, but i realize that retro-spectivley, which maybe you will do in a while because its not a healthy attitude. I'm still learning and so are you. But the main thing I think you need to learn is your place.


Originally posted by not_like_you

:lol: fucking retard.

yes, thats it quote me so it will divert attention away from your handstyle being gross. Your handstyle doesnt flow either, so are you trying to insult me? I suck at handstyles, yes, so do you, that makes me retarded?



I know nobody really wants to read this post, no more then I felt like typing it, but kooter you need to keep it real. I know your going to follow up with some sarcastic reply calling me a "nigger" but if you want to battle, paint battle, handstyle battle, 3D battle (aka my daim bites:rolleyes: ) 2D battle, whatever im down for it. let me know

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Originally posted by not_like_you

Nigga you pick a word..I wont get any votes because I know how shit works here...If anyone picks that ugly shit over mine they need their fucking eyes checked....:yum:

Will that be your excuse every time you lose at something? It cant be YOU it MUST be THEM. right?

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can i be the judge? i dont have a biast opinion. i neither like or dislike either of your stuff. im completly mutual. im not trying to diss either of you by saying im not feeling your stuff. and i know im a shitty writer, so dont go there either. to many people on this board are biast due to jocking. so whatya say?

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Originally posted by not_like_you

We're not battling..Your a better artist, I'm a better writer..End of story I dont have a endless supply of art fag markers like you and you cant actually WRITE graffiti..So I guess that makes us even.:lol:

I dont understand.... How can i not "write" graffiti? did i leave paint out of the selections of battles? No i didnt. Post whatever makes you a "better writer" go ahead..... or battle me on a wall.

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Go ahead and post your 2 pieces on a wall.


Originally posted by KiSe

I dont understand.... How can i not "write" graffiti? did i leave paint out of the selections of battles? No i didnt. Post whatever makes you a "better writer" go ahead..... or battle me on a wall.

See the thing is I can actually write my name, while you struggle to get out a decent tag..Too bad,your 2 years to my 7 months=:o
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Re: Go ahead and post your 2 pieces on a wall.


Originally posted by not_like_you

See the thing is I can actually write my name, while you struggle to get out a decent tag..Too bad,your 2 years to my 7 months=:o

You cant really write your name well. I can write my name fine for myself. why do you keep talking shit, and wont even try to back it up? Every post you just try to make yourself seem better then me, but yet you find excuses to not prove it. It's ridiculous to argue with someone who cant understand anything.

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Just stop You know my hand looks better than yours.


Originally posted by KiSe

You cant really write your name well. I can write my name fine for myself. why do you keep talking shit, and wont even try to back it up? Every post you just try to make yourself seem better then me, but yet you find excuses to not prove it. It's ridiculous to argue with someone who cant understand anything.

Unlike you, I know niggas that actually matter in this game..Not some hicks from fucking Kentucky, you guys got one good writer and decided to start a fucking scene.:lol: As far as my hand goes it's better than yours, and you cant write your name for shit so just stop replying you stupid fuck....:o Dont you have some art class fag shit to study for? Get off the fuckiing computer..:lol:
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Re: Just stop You know my hand looks better than yours.


Originally posted by not_like_you

Unlike you, I know niggas that actually matter in this game..Not some hicks from fucking Kentucky, you guys got one good writer and decided to start a fucking scene.:lol: As far as my hand goes it's better than yours, and you cant write your name for shit so just stop replying you stupid fuck....:o Dont you have some art class fag shit to study for? Get off the fuckiing computer..:lol:

go ahead please keep talking shit, stereotyping, laughing out loud, and being ignorant, you dont listen to a word i say. if your hand is so fucking good then why did it suck so bad on that west sketch? and if it wasnt for "art fag shit" graffiti woulding exist.


btw how old are you?

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God Damn Art fag,just shut the fuck up..


Originally posted by KiSe

go ahead please keep talking shit, stereotyping, laughing out loud, and being ignorant, you dont listen to a word i say. if your hand is so fucking good then why did it suck so bad on that west sketch? and if it wasnt for "art fag shit" graffiti woulding exist.


btw how old are you?

That wasn't a hand, I drew those letters and I'm 18 my cousin and his boys have been writing for 12 years plus..I just got into this shit recently...I dont need your internet props, when I feel like coming out on walls I will.. BTW that piece was all ball point pen and a fucking hi-lighter...As far as your art fag statement goes, please retract that shit, that shit is wrong and you know it..It's people like you that are ruining graffiti with mommy and daddys money..Fuck you Para sorry I'm not down with you and your internet clique,you fucking herb..:o
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its sad that an 18 year old is so immature. I dont care that you know people who have written 12 years, good for them ask them to teach you some manners. I will not retract the statement about art, because it is true. Deflate your head and keep it real.

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