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Canvas Thread

Harpo Marx

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Originally posted by ace@Jan 24 2005, 12:04 AM

yo, there is some crazy stuff in here, i really like it...btu i have a question, what do you all use to do these graffiti pieces on the canvases, paint markers?


I can ony answer for myself, I use either acrylics or spray paint for backgrounds then acrylics and brush for the first colors in my letters and my fades and then I use thin Uni paint markers and gel pens for little details and the final outline.... just how I role. Everyone else feel free to tell him your techniques. I wish I had an air brush to do my shines with, but I don't.

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iight yall last night i was in an ally way when i saw and over flowing dumpster from express (the chick store) and i seen these thick plastic peice that are used for shirts and there was about 100 of them so i took them all and threw um in my car and what im doing is though out this month and next month im painting them up like canvas's and placing them all over in areas wheres theres alot of people.... i didnt put very much effort into them because well there not for me and anyone i care about post um in the new sticker thread so yea



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dammit, who has those Joker nordstrom jural flix? i haven't seen those in ages and they were, in my humble opinion, prime examples of his work as an artist. i thought for sure seeking would have them somewhere....maybe joker will see this and post them..if he ever comes back in this thread.

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Originally posted by seeking@Jan 26 2005, 01:15 AM

those things are plastic right?

drill two holes in them down the middle, get some nuts and bolts and bolt them to stree signs.


and express has guys stuff too. i just got a slick ass belt from there.



holy shit dude i didnt even think about that... ill paint them up PROPER now.... MUCH props for the idea :love2:

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Originally posted by Yellow Feets@Jan 23 2005, 08:04 PM

Yeah, no doubt coffiecrave. And yes, those Rykes are fresh as well.


If Transcend did canvases, I'd buy them. The only thing I see from anyone from Transcend is the $250 canvas (or prints) that Joker did for Fourthehardway. Seeking, know any links? I only know of jincoes.com and I don't think that site sells any work.





Transcend just had a joint show with Bloodclots. I think it's still up, at EvosArts in Lowell, MA. Artwork is for sale. Here's a couple pictures of my wallspace and a couple canvases. I apologize for the crap quality. Lighting was terrible. I also compressed the hell out of the canvas flicks. If anyone would like better shots, I can put them up when I get the pieces back from the gallery.





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Those two canvases in the previous post are done with paint markers and acrylic paint, on a spray background. Pretty much standard issue. The first says "Hell Yeah" and the second "Yeah Bro". i have a small series of graffiti style work that say stupid phrases. I also have a "Stupid Fresh", "Holler Back", "Holy Crap" and "Word Up".


Here's a couple more that I'd call more traditional art. These are done with scrap cans of paint that I took home from fame spots, any can that the mixing ball still rattles in. It's interesting, because sometimes the can is so rusted that I have no idea what color paint is inside. I like them because it's someone's discarded trash and making something out of it. You'd also be surprised at how many kids throw away cans with a lot of paint left in them.



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sick sick sick There all so coolsick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick :burn: :burn:

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Originally posted by HAL@ Jan 26 2005, 02:04 PM

i have a small series of graffiti style work that say stupid phrases. I also have a "Stupid Fresh", "Holler Back", "Holy Crap" and "Word Up".

Dude... why?


Heh, but hopefully I'll go today to take pictures of shit. I don't have money on me now but I'll get pictures of what I missed at that show. And hopefully shit won't be sold out until this thursday or next thursday. Payday...




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Originally posted by ENO ELPMIS@Jan 25 2005, 07:52 AM

FUCK alot of this shit



Care to elaborate?



As for other stuff...


Irony, yea, it is kinda funny.


No, I'm not going to post any images from the mural I did for Nordstrom. Not the printed nor the hand painted versions. I'd be fucking amazed if I ever posted another image in here again.


If you are reading this with interest... posting images and asking for criticism is an open invitation to be shot down or at best given solid advice. If you can't handle being told your work is horrible, and lash back instead of chalking it up to opinion, then maybe you shouldn't post your work. There's a one in a few thousands of a chance that you will get constructive criticism on this board. In the slim chance that you do, take it for granted. If you get told time and time again that your work is not up to par... move on my friends. Get back to work and progress. If you felt you've been critiqued poorly, maybe you should look at your work deeper. Especially if the criticism is coming from more than one person. This is at no one directly but more to all of you. I chose some time ago to no longer post images of my canvas work in here for good reason. It has nothing to do with getting bad criticques... hell, my wife tells me when something looks unfinished or boring... redundant even. Verbal Kint's critique of my work (along with the entire group of Transcend, oddly enough) is solid reason why I refuse to continue to share. Not that you will be missing anything of great heights or amazing progress. If you're interested in my work, you'll find it. Just not on ebay...

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good point joker,


the reason i post work in here is to have others enjoy mystuff...as much as i like to come in here and look and enjoy other peoples work...alot of ppl make this thread a mess and a pain but u sorta just gotta look past them its sorta like that with anything easle...this thread should be about ppl posting up work for enjoyment...it sucks that u and others feel that way, cuzs it screws it up for others

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Damn... that's a shame. But yeah, since the Transcend show is opened to all ages now, I'll be getting flicks. Just got back from barrowing a digicam from a friend's house not too long ago.


Ehh... why not ban folks like Verbal Knit? That won't solve too much though...



anyways, bump for stuff that I like.

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i think that the worst part about this section is that the poeple who usually roam around here, and i did it myself, are basically toys. Dont get me wrong here at all, a lot of the people who post in here have great amounts of skill, where as a good amount lack skill or have never painted which is why they dont roam brickslayers. Its pretty shitty to see people having to defend someone like joker to people because anybody who actually writes knows who he is and although some might not like it, can still appreciate him in time and effort.


If you want to critisize, thats cool, but do it contructivly, not in such a way that is basically shit talking. Because most people on here are very calm, even though it was typed stupid, he still didnt take it and understood opinions.


but im tired, im going to bed,

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Originally posted by LOReSeVeNTeN@Jan 27 2005, 01:38 AM

well i mixed your use of balance, color and composition with you discontinuing posting your work for critiques and i wondered if you got critiqued or studied anywhere else like art school...






fuck you and fuck art schools...and fuck lil rich fucks that go to art school....

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you can't teach art, huh?

haha. if you say so.


i learned more while living with king of hell for 8 months than i did in the previous 5 years of stumbling around on my own. people who say you cant 'teach' art are generally lazy and scared. sorry homie, just my opinion.

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