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Canada to allow same sex marriages.


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Originally posted by effyoo

We're allowing same sex marriages.




Originally posted by Krook

*packs bags and moves to CANADA*

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To all you fucks posting about how this is bad, and laughing, you're all closed minded bastards. I'm straight, but i'm perfectly fine with lesbian and gay people(so long as they're not hitting on me). Thats their decision, and if they chose to do that, they deserve to have that right. Grow the fuck up.

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Originally posted by mr_president

thats great, now a bunch of faggots on this site can get married, like:


arcel, metallix, chumbakka, frieghtlover, buck fish, mapo, dirty habit and all his aliases, and so on...




What about me, you aren't obsessed with me anymore?

I'll take you out to dinner and make it up to you ok sweet cheaks. Haha, tease... ya fuckin cake.

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Originally posted by King_Krook

ohh yea and Kettiekat...


you know how you quoted my "packs bags and moves to canada" post...


above it there is a quote about marijuana...


stupid bitch learn how to read;) :idea: :king: :lol:




hey dumb ass thats why I quoted the one about same sex marriages then yours back to back

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they are in fact decriminalizing marijuana, i have a friend in toronto who said him and a bunch of buddies saw a group of people smoking up in front of the a police station there, no police doing anything, i read a on marijuana site somehwere also that this happened because police are conufsed about laws not going through and nullifying one another, but until they get it worked out, they are not charging under (don't quote me on this) 35 grams or something like that. I'm too lazy, but do a smile marijuana website search and you'll find the site. i don't want to spam.

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Originally posted by Fryre Dekoy

they are in fact decriminalizing marijuana, i have a friend in toronto who said him and a bunch of buddies saw a group of people smoking up in front of the a police station there, no police doing anything...


Nice, man! I read an article about that. *sifting through piles of this week's newspapers* I couldn't find the guy's name.


He is a marijuana activist who was handing out spliffs to people in the crowd right in front of the police Headquarters. Nobody got booked.


And it's 13 grams of possession you're allowed to get away with, I think.

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Originally posted by non-hetero



I don't understand why anyone could consider this a bad thing, so please enlighten me.

o gee i dont know, maybe just theres gonna be mass marriges of FAGGOTS running. o well canadas full of FAGGOTS anyways fuck em.
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