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FLOATERS: Ever seen something like this?


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ever see something like this?




as far back as i could remember, i could see little ribbon-like things against bright light. the reminded me of some sort of bacteria. i had no fucking clue what they were until recently, when i saw a newspaper health-advice column explaining them. i've never told anyone about them, because i thought i was hallucinating or some shit. anybody else get these?


more info:12

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Eye Floaters and Spots

By Judith Lee and Gretchyn Bailey; reviewed by Dr. Vance Thompson


You may sometimes see small specks or clouds moving in your field of vision. They are called floaters. You can often see them when looking at a plain background, like a blank wall or blue sky. Floaters are actually tiny clumps of gel or cells inside the vitreous, the clear jelly-like fluid that fills the inside of your eye.

Floaters may look like specks, strands, webs, or other shapes. Actually, what you are seeing are the shadows of floaters cast on the retina, the light-sensitive part of the eye.

Signs of Eye Floaters and Spots

If a spot or shadowy shape passes in front of your field of vision or to the side, you are seeing a floater. Because they are inside your eye, they move with your eyes when you try to see them. You may also see flashes of light. These flashes occur more often in older people as the vitreous humor thickens and tugs on the light-sensitive retina. They may be a warning sign of a detached retina. Flashes also occur after a blow to the head, often called "seeing stars."

Some people experience flashes of light that appear as jagged lines or "heat waves" in both eyes, often lasting 10-20 minutes. These types of flashes are usually caused by a spasm of blood vessels in the brain, which is called migraine. If a headache follows the flashes, it is called a migraine headache. However, jagged lines or "heat waves" can occur without a headache. In this case, the light flashes are called ophthalmic migraine, or migraine without headache.

What Causes Eye Floaters and Spots?

For most people, floaters occur as they grow older. The vitreous humor thickens and clumps as we age, and floaters result from the clumped vitreous gel. Sometimes pregnant women see spots caused by little bits of protein trapped within the eye. Eye injury or breakdown of the vitreous humor may also cause spots and floaters.


Eye floaters and spots are usually harmless, but flashes of light may indicate a problem. If you're suddenly seeing spots, floaters, or flashes, get an eye exam to make sure nothing's wrong.


When people reach middle age, the vitreous gel may start to thicken or shrink, forming clumps or strands inside the eye. The vitreous gel pulls away from the back wall of the eye, causing a posterior vitreous detachment. It is a common cause of floaters, and it is more common for people who:

Are nearsighted;

Have undergone cataract operations;

Have had YAG laser surgery of the eye;

Have had inflammation inside the eye.


Treatment for Spots and Floaters

Most spots and eye floaters are merely annoying but harmless when they temporarily enter the field of vision, and many fade over time. People sometimes are interested in surgery to remove floaters, but doctors are only willing to perform such surgery in rare instances.


If you suddenly see new floaters, or eye floaters accompanied by flashes of light or peripheral vision loss, it could indicate serious conditions such as diabetic retinopathy; vascular abnormalities such as retinal hemorrhages or carotid artery disease, or the beginning of a retinal detachment. The retina can tear if the shrinking vitreous gel pulls away from the wall of the eye. This sometimes causes a small amount of bleeding in the eye that may appear as new floaters. You should see your eyecare practitioner immediately.



if you don't care, don't post.

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One time I read about this parasite that you can get in your eye,where the worm crawls around in your eyeball without harming your vision. I thought I had that when I younger but I just kept it quiet because I was embarrased. Turns out it was just a floater.

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Originally posted by suburbian bum

Dude i have had flashes of light 2 times. One time it was like midnight and i was walking home. Randomly there was a huge silver flash of light. It blocked out all my vision. Crazy shit.


abducted by aliens possibly ;)



i only get those when i stare at a bright light or the sun and then look away, or is that something different?

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Dude, the last few months or so I have been starting to see those things! When I first started seeing them I was actually pretty sick so I thought I had contracted anthrax or sars or some shit! I noticed usually to see them alot when theres a solid backround in view...for example the Kantor gallery completely white walls, with thise little floating things everywhere ...quite disturbing...Anyhow...I guess I should just get my eyes checked maybe because I dont take out my contacts often???


IF anyone else feeeeelin my pain post!

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Originally posted by Rectum

i never talked about them caus i always thought it would be too hard to explain



Same here. I've had a small black dot for a year or so now. I thought it was dirt at first. I've never been able to tell anyone about it, becuase I have no idea what the fuck it was.


On the plus side I had an eye axam no too long ago and if my Optomitrist didn't mention anything about it...so I supose it's a) normal to get them and B) it will go away soon.


It's pretty fucking annoying though.

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