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why do americans suck?


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ha, ok now that i got a lot of you in my thread, what would you do, if you passed by a keg, Got invited, and life was good? act like a dick, try to steal beer, be a pussy? or be a normal human being and try to fit in??? I had no shit 3 dif. groups of kids, come by, get semi invited and drink,act like it was their party, two groups noticed aftter we kinda loudly inferred that it was rude to act like they bought the said keg.

one group did not

instead when we got pissed (but like civil minded people, not like fight wise) they left, come 15 min. later they came back, tried to take the keg!!! (INSANOS) anyways shit went nuts from there, i hit a few walls, a tree, a car, a door etc.......(got way too mad, my bad, i have an anger problem;) ) they ran off....but seriously back to topic.....what is wrong with someone saying PLEASE and THANK YOU its just common courtesy.



JEEBUS. cant find that all too often in America, only in Europe and Latin America. Met a British guy who though this was all total bullshit too. fun stuff. anyways so what do you guys and gals of course think. and how was your night. I was kinda mad. (sucks to live around a bunch of hicks as well)



on another note.....i am really really really to the n/th degree drunk. so this is kind of a vent. excuse my drunkeness...:cool:



enjoy my story contribute, go wild.

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yeah in the end if that was my xbox....man. gotta think about what if it happened to you....thats key. oh yeah my friend stole some DVD's by two months living at hisnew place got 20 DVD's stolen from him and his roomies. Karma like a biznatch

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if thats bout theDVD's, i didnt have a part of it, im as clean as charlies angels. i dont like doing anything that someone could do to me.....cause man quite frankly it would suck.

but if it was bout those pricks that didnt know how to accept beer courtesly (sp) and be fucking good citizens, fuck those biatches.:cool:

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thank you very much for noticing, cause i took my time typing those posts to make sure i made something that was legible!. it might take longer to post but at least i know i didnt post some Retardeness in the morning.:P


anyways just woke up, feel not so bad, gotta get some food, and contend with the whole girlfriend wasnt there had stuff to do this morning pissed at me issue. hows it going for everyone else?


party on.

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