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i cleaned up a tampon

T.T Boy

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ahhh, I remember my fast food maintenance worker days. the nightly removal and cleaning of the tampon recepticle from the womens washroom was always a highpoint. the best was hitting it at the wrong angle with the sink sprayer and having it splash up in my face.....good times.

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Went swimming at Dusty's. Amber threw her tampon away in the trash before. they come out of the pool and dusty is inside picking up stuff al over the floor. what the shit. his dog went and ripped up the bathroom and got in the trash. poor dusty had to clean up pieces of tampon. crazy amber and her antics.







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Originally posted by ese

ahhh, I remember my fast food maintenance worker days. the nightly removal and cleaning of the tampon recepticle from the womens washroom was always a highpoint. the best was hitting it at the wrong angle with the sink sprayer and having it splash up in my face.....good times.





I once watch my ex girl take one out an put a new one in......

















fuckin nasty shit

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