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Jyce or Jice?


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Original a post that was askin whether my name should stay Jice or go to Jyce. Well, i'm changin to Jyce... I got some stuff with both names, but only this throwie I got is scanned. Actually got some old shit from like 6 months ago and I might put it up on here too, tho it sucks.



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do whatever the hell u want who said you have to stick to either of them just switch em up every once in a while theres tons of different ways to write that name so just experiment. and dont listen to your friends, there not you and thats whos oppinion counts. whatever your feellin more write, dont make it so damn complicated.jsut my shiny 2 copper pieces.

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haha yea, fuck them... I'm usin Jyce, well I'm editin this post tho and just gonna have it be a psot of whatever I do...I'll just post it up herhe, good or not, I don't care. lol, btw, what you think of the throwie? if it even worked for ya.

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Yea, I know it is simple... I just wanted to do somethin simple that could stand out that anyone could read, you know? Like I'll just make the examples of Cope or Ja or Sp.one ... they got mad style on their throwies (i think so) and they real simple too and stand out from all the other stuff and anyone can read it.


I dunno, I like the simple letters like that for some reason... comin up with some crazier ones tho.


Ah well... anywayz, you can check some more of ish out once I get it scanned or somethin



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^alright that's cool... I am startin to write just Jyce now and I'll post stuff once my scanner fixes. And you said you don't like my throw up, what don't ya like bout it, etc? Any criticism is cool with me... hopefgully it might help.

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Originally posted by JayFo

^alright that's cool... I am startin to write just Jyce now and I'll post stuff once my scanner fixes. And you said you don't like my throw up, what don't ya like bout it, etc? Any criticism is cool with me... hopefgully it might help.

i never said i didn't like it i just hope they look better..it looks like you had a little trouble doing them like you were erasing lines and adding lines(treating your throwie like a piece)your i is horrible thats why i said jyce would flow better..your j,c,&e all look alike thats hot in a way but make your j look more like a j..i'm not trying to trash talk just letting you know..keep it up..post more D-

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yea, i know I don't like the I on this one... but I'm not makin it a penis, LOL. Also, I didn't erase... it's just my scanner sucks horribly and now it's gotten worse and doesn't work lol. Also bob, variation is good or whatever, byt I'd want to stick to one name... or at least one spellin of it. And anwayz, I also bomb Je and then sometimes make the e like a face and switch it up with different faces.


anywayz, hopefully my scanner can be fixed or i can get a new one and post some more shit. Right now I'm doin my first piece/sketch I've done in months for some girl. I'll probably start workin more on pieces after this and try get the style i'm workin on down.


anywayz... nuttin else to say, peace... thanks for the cirticism or anythin you people said.

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yeah im just really big on variation for some reason,i have a lot of ways of doing my name,it doesnt matter in youre case becasue it says the same thing,theylle know its you no matter how its spelled,so it really doesnt matter.but whatever works best for you.

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alright gotcha... btw, that don't even say jyce or jice... it says rica. But I was just doin it for some girl, I might try one with Jyce afterwards or somethin but then I'm gonna keep workin on my throws and tags and all that and simple letters. Also now that it's summer gonna go out bombin too.


Yea, but I definetly should do somethin at the end of all the shit i put other than arrows... to keep it different. Gonna try siwtchin that stuff up and dunno what else gon do... but any other criticsm from whoever else would be welcome. And if you say somethin about not like the straight style... can't help you any there cuz I ain't gonna stop doin it.. cuz I like those styles of people like sp.one, king157, spade, some older cope2, etc... it looks hot IMO.


yea, but that's all i got to say, peace..

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Hmm... btw, if anyone cares to see... before I just did the one above that says Rica... I did this one back in october. This one is actually colored in though. same style cept this jice one has even more extra detail... I mean just look under the damn C it's like another letter could go there. I overdid it too much... lol


anywayz, bob or anyone else... you think the Rica one shows improvement? I tried tonin it down... next step I think will be to take out some arrows and change them up to different things. And then I'll fix whatever else up... just practice I guess. (enough with the talk, here it is haha)


http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid47/p54ff3bedf95ef5f7d6b3db1f7f5f37bb/fcc7198c.jpg'> (btw, my hand in this sucks so much it's funny... it looks a lot different now)


put em next to each other to make it easy to compare...


dunno if I regret not tryin to even one piece/sketch until now since damn october cuz if I kept doin them I mgiht be more improved but whatever, my hand and throws improved which are definetly somethin that are just as important.

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alright thanks terr and truth...


Ter,r my favorite letters I got are my c and e... I actually took my C and clipped it for the J and changed it up a bit, the i, well it's just a normal i lol. I switched toa y anywayz tho...


and truth... yea I'll siwtch it up with less arrows and more variation...

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Alright I got about 9 pictures to post now... cuz durin school I made up some shit lol. It's all in pencil and real sketchy... It's like none of my lines were done in one quick motion lol. But whatever, I don' even care, these were just all ideas and still tryin to think of more and tomorrow if i got anythin new I'll try gettin to my friends and scannin it.

So just tell me watcha think about em and just imagine they were all nice and cleanly done :) lol













LOL... the messiness of that shit I just posted is incredible... I am about to just edit them out form the embarassment, but then again... I am not gonna take offense to someeon makin fun of how much I erased how messy it all is. I just want criticism/comments about the actual letter structure and all that. peace...

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thanks... and I do wanna say sorry for how sloppy they are. I'm gonna start practicin each one more until I get them down and then maybe I'll post better versions of em... as well as new stuff i think of. Cept for the last one, I hate that one lol. And also the onie with the drips...it looks kinda cool but I had to fill space and as I was doin it I knew for a fact I've seen others do it, so it ain't some original idea... I'll admit that. Thoguh I do like the style of those letters ina way, I might keep goin with that. The straight letter ones were ideas for rollers msotly and wlell the flag, I dunno how i thought of that lol... but I did.


My personal favorite is probably the one above the flag though. I dunno why, I just like it.

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