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kill everything....

MR. Slugworth

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non of you are very poetic...

it seems that you get your lifestyles from that damn tv....

what ever happen to literature,the poets..?

i know most of you are artists...

but is that it?is that how far your reach is?

are you one of the people killing God?for i see alot of it around....

but God cannot die...but you will....


talk about peotry

talk about the sick lifestyle that is growing.....the devil has made sin common.....

talk about what you think is going to happen when you die...


or i will destroy that city you live in...





go go GODZILLA.....

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I like to lie in holy places, I'm happiest on consecrated ground, I worship the earth that I walk upon and I seldom eat anything but sacred cow, I work in the church of my soul, my head holds a temple and a thorny crown I'm pure of heart, but salvation ain't enough, I'm destined to live in this street of shame...



2 Can Sam

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