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Guest The Boss

1FEEZ ONE <feez@mail.com> wrote:

You guys are bunch of gays. I write UBK, rumor, angles, ubiquitous (yeah look it up) 24/7, OSM one. You guys arent reel writers. My niggas are dose, getser, dfine, rush, cos.e I'll battle all you fags.

my boys got my back. i don't care if you know what i

write, I'll take all you nigger lovers. You fucking

nigger whores. All you people are a bunch of pussys.



you need to understand that im going to shoot you in the fucking face...fuck graffiti. i dont even write. catch you faggots on the flip side. dont write me back till you want to meet me bitch. die slow!


2FEEZ ONE <feez@mail.com>

Come find me you beener fags . Tell pores hess a faggot. come find me

my name is randy gordon i tell you my name now tell yours. I right gauze

too you fucks if you cross that out everyone in my crew will kill you

and mom. Holla back. haha what is you name so i can kill your mom. come

find me i dair you my crew gots my back.




youre a TOY! get it through your head. and you cant spell. i dont write and i dont care about your fake ass graffiti. i will kill you. this isnt about graffiti. pores is my homie. if your mark-ass has a legitimate reason you dont like him tell me, otherwise dont talk to me...

-the boss


3FEEZ ONE <feez@mail.com> wrote:

Pores is a faggot. You must be his homo bitch! Try and find me you gay ass. Your probly to pusy to fight me anyway. I will kill you fake nigger. Fuck pores I will cross him out wenever i see it, wich is never!haha. Ask around I write Gauze I used to write Rumor . One and Angles.yah thats right you are fuckin with a real writer. Scared huh? haha. All my homies are OSM and UBK well kill you and Pores and anyone U are down with.

you are gay niggers. Now you will die. hahahahahaha




y do you suddenly feel the need to talk shit? you dont even know who i am. i have seen your shit. you suck and you are wack as fuck. i dont write i just take pictures of graffiti but i have never even wasted a picture on your bitch ass. you are NOT a real writer. just cuz you did some ugly spraypaint tags and no one wasted their time dissing it cuz it was a wack tag in the suburbs doesnt make you tight. youre a toy. everyone in seattle knows you and youre crews suck. period. end of discussion. dont write me back till you wanna meet up and have me slit your fucking throat on camera. this is real nigga. take that racist shit elsewhere. bitch

-the fucking boss


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Yo Boss, You got the wrong mutha fucka and if you really want to meet so you can "cut my throat" then lets do this. Cause I want to fuck you up just for trying to namedrop a homie. Namedroping is not tolerated by me. Like Nam said "anyone who is caught namedroping will be severely lynched by a razor ribbon wire soaked in glass etch". Thats what Ill do. If you want to come on here acting like I said a bunch of shit I didnt say then your just a bitch. Pores is someone I have never met and Im not planing on it. Im not like you talking shit to people I dont know who will beat the shit out of you like a chiwawa barking like a badass. Its called a punt. Ill tatoo your forehead! Not like you calling people toys when you "dont write". Sure. Then get the fuck off this graff site. "Boss"haha. You dont boss shit. Thats why I am fee zone. Ill make you pay. You dont want to meet me. Trust that. The homie Gausr doesnt hack anyone and I know him well enough to say that he doesnt hack Pores. Stop trying to start beef. Fag. nothing you said did I say. So fuck off. What you did is basicly this:

The Boss said: My name is John Pinkerston and last night I went out and hacked every dope tager I could find with a sharpee marker. I tag Eloms(smole) for lost kitty.

Haha. Wow dont be fucking stupid.

Yea right, like Im gonna say some shit like that about someone I dont even know. Gauze is the homie and I personally dont think hes a toy. You need to learn some respect you little kid! I want to shank you just for acting like I said a bunch of shit I didnt say to get beef between Pores and Gauze. Fuck that! Im not saying I want to kill you becouse nobody has the right to take someone elses life but I will put you in alot of pain. No joke. You dont know me and I dont know you. You dont know Gause and I do. I dont know if you know pores but I dont know him and neither does Gause. Nobody in UBK has any reason to hack a fellow graffer unless they hack. Were all in the same game! I never said that Dose and Dfine are my homies. haha. Hell no.

Have you ever seen Gauze hack Pores? No. So shut the fuck up! Gauze does not say nigger either. First, hes not black so he doesnt say nigga. Second there are black fools in our crue. Its obvious I didnt say that shit you idiot.

Where did I write this all at? Huh? Let me guess. You cant remember. If I was Porer I would beat your ass for trying to start beef. No matter if your my homie or not. What a good friend you are.

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Re: Todays Comedy is...


Originally posted by IntangibleFame

The same goes for you as the "boss".

What is with you fools trying to start beef with Gauze and Others? He has never hit up OSM and ha never would haha. I never typed that shit but out of those crues gauze would probly say fuck Lost Kats, MYL, and maybe GR. Why wouldnt someone say fuck MYL? They are transvestites. Half the people you wrote me and Gauze both know. You fucking retard! You dont even know who you wrote down. You obviously are dumb as fuck! Half of the people you wrote are girls and pussies anyways. As far as all those crues and people, I know Gauze and hes not fucking stupid!:king:

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Re: Re: Todays Comedy is...


Originally posted by feezone

Why wouldnt someone say fuck MYL? They are transvestites.


Hey man............one of the kids in that crew has a homeboy named "Chili" who's gayer than sin! A black as night raver motherfucker that used to carry a lunchbox everywhere rocking a visor with a bullnose piercing hanging out of his face..............But transvestites? Wow! You learn something new every day...........

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Guest The Boss

"Namedroping is not tolerated by me. Like Nam said " dude, you said youre gonna touch me cuz i said someones my homie? yo blood, im down for my homies and if you ever talk shit on anyone i know i will slit your fucking fingers off and feed them to you one by one. i guess you dont stick up for your homies. just like a bitch ass nigga! and i love how you say name dropping is not tolerated and then you say "like nam said"!! you jsut name dropped you fucking toy. and all of that was writen by you. i have all the emails and will pull your card every day you racist piece of trash! anyone who wants to read these i will forward them to you. my email is stocktiploser@yahoo.com i dont fake the fuck bro. im real with mines. so dont keep acting like you didnt write what you said. and i know who you are and what your little toy ass writes. i called you out and you said you wanna meet the boss, so either meet me or shut up...you got your card pulled bitch!

-the fucking boss:king:

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Originally posted by The Boss

"Namedroping is not tolerated by me. Like Nam said " dude, you said youre gonna touch me cuz i said someones my homie? yo blood, im down for my homies and if you ever talk shit on anyone i know i will slit your fucking fingers off and feed them to you one by one. i guess you dont stick up for your homies. just like a bitch ass nigga! and i love how you say name dropping is not tolerated and then you say "like nam said"!! you jsut name dropped you fucking toy. and all of that was writen by you. i have all the emails and will pull your card every day you racist piece of trash! anyone who wants to read these i will forward them to you. my email is stocktiploser@yahoo.com i dont fake the fuck bro. im real with mines. so dont keep acting like you didnt write what you said. and i know who you are and what your little toy ass writes. i called you out and you said you wanna meet the boss, so either meet me or shut up...you got your card pulled bitch!

-the fucking boss:king:

How is quoting what a homie said namedroping? Do you know what namedroping is? Its not when you say a persons tag. Its when you say there name and tag. haha. I thought everyone knew that. I guess not.

You said " dude, you said youre gonna touch me cuz i said someones my homie?". What the fuck are you talking about? I said I was going to touch you becouse you come on here anonymously telling me youre going to kill me or Gauze. Thats why I said I was going to fuck you up. I am down for my homies. Otherwise I wouldnt be here talking to fools like you now. You try to act like a good homie but why dont you tell them about you trying to start beef between them and other crues. That really cool. I hope you and Intanglemangle get jumped by all the people you guys listed! Thats what you diserve. I thank the funiest part is that you named some homies in the lists! hahahahaahahahhahahahahhaah!

Idiot Idiot Idiot. haha. Thats really funny! Wow. You guys crack me up.

I emailed you a few times yes. But you emailed me first. We both told eachother we wouldnt tell what we write. We just told our homies. So if you email people a bunch of shit you typed out just like you did here, your a fuckin dumbass. I already proved you wrong. I didnt write any of that stupid little kid sounding shit! Another thing thats funny is Gause doesnt even have a computer. haha. He will be on soon he said to me earlier. Gets will be on soon too. You can really talk to him then. haha. You guys need to get your facts straight and stop trying to cause beef. With your homies. Youll know when theyre on. I have nothing more to say to you shit startin picture takers who like to call graffers toys. I cant wait til this comes back on you guys. The people on that list will eventually see that and notice that some of them are Gauzes homies and that you are a bunch of shit! Thats basicly all I have to say. Shut the fuck up!:D :rolleyes: :mad: :confused: :king: :lol:

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Guest The Boss

youre a toy...shut the fuck up...dont even talk anymore. all of the peoplei named will kill you and so will i! believe that! they dont know you and if they do and have a problem with me saying shit tell them to email me and well handle it. do you seriously think i would make shit up that some NO NAME TOY wrote me through email? i have better shit to do. you said all that shit! if anyone doubts me i can email them your shit. i cant front on forwarding shit thats from YOUR email so there is not need to even discuss this. i already pulled your card. and youre a mark and wont meet me so thats all thats gotta be said. and intangable flame will lite your ass on fire too. so dont talk shit. real niggas move in silence. bitch! stop trying to be witty and crack jokes. this is real life nigga! ill kill you bitch. until youre READY TO MEET ME and WILL MEET ME you have no room to talk. youre a scary ass bitch. go to sleep...its past your bedtime little kid.

-the og boss:king:

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