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You don't even know where I come from....I made it out, I am not ashamed of being educated. That is a blessing, and to try and use education as an insult is about the lamest thing you could do...


You probably are Bez and SNic, with your whack throws and every-letter-bit style

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Compared to the toys of today, who start writing at an older age so they should be able to reason better the idea of Time, Space and Relativity, and have TONS and TONS of reference material available to research, yet they still remain deaf, dumb and blind, make retarded comments on public forums, and think they are kings while they continue to put up their slop in the streets, legal and illegal...



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Theres no harrasing of the fact that you're being educated.


If I had the money and the skin complection to get a worthwhile education, I could do it to. Unfortunently, this isn't the case.


The fact of the matter is that I think its funny when somone tries to diss anyone creativity when their shit looks like this.



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I'm glad you got an outline homey...put your stuff up...and oh yeah get some newer stuff.




Yeah you see, this whole...production was kinda my vision, with ideas from SK8NC and a crappy piece from knate and a hot chick from him as well... so I mean I'f you're gonna put up stuff, put up stuff where there was little bit of effort involved. Not something meant to simply be huge, and at least put up the finished picture.


Let's see your stuff...

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I ain't saying I'm the king, I have my ideas on who's good and who's not, originally I was saying Raleigh has way more to offer than those pictures... In regards to me...I think everyday my stuff can be better than the last so I just keep doing my thing...The only thing I'll talk junk about is people who are snitches, people saying dumb stuff that could lead to snitching and legal reparations, and people foolishly knocking education...

What does a suburban NCSU student have anything to do with art anyways? The skin complection...homey aren't you dark-skinned, if you weren't half assed and lazy you could get any scholarship you want, I work my butt off to get here. I grew up running the streets, my next door neighbors were crack dealers and drunks. I would not have survived if not by blessing from God above, I should be dead now...shot at so many times, fights with niggas claming gangs, getting jumped by 11 or so dudes, just me, cuz I was in the wrong neighborhood...don't talk to me about your skin complexion and money kept you out of college. Your lack of desire did. Next you will be saying it has to do with the hood your grew up in or something...I thought you stayed in Cary anyways. I grew up with no money, I have it now cuz I work hard and my parents worked hard.


Oh yeah, it's good to see you took the time to go through all of my old posts. Someone has too much time on there hands. Go paint...maybe find the time to get some original letters...ones that aren't used by other writers like TOK or BERZ (you're hands look THE SAME), or maybe a new B....one that you didn't bite.

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I could go on and on about capitalism and who it is fueled off of racism, sexism, homophobia and etc. But this isn't the place. This is a graffiti forum.


It's funny though, because you see, I am not who you think I am.


The stepping stone for this argument is when you tried to diss someones creativity (which I will be the first to admit: I am doing it right now, but for the sake of me getting a huge chubby off of this online altercation, lets ignore that.) when you yourself brought little.


I am toy as shit, ain't no denying that fact, and im not going to post my shit.. simply for the fact, I am in enough trouble, don't need to be in more trouble. Would like to stay out of trouble.


So ill just wait till I become good enough, were someone is impressed, takes a flick and puts it on here. It'll be.. my own goal.


By the way homie, Gods not real.

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This all started when you tried to make a connection between two writers, one of whom is already facing crap and you don't need to be doing that...Raleigh is already cracking down heavy on it and you don't need to be creating more crap for anyone. Yes I called out AM, Flu, and Phaeds...Phaeds dissed all of Raleigh, Flu...I just don't like his style on the streets, dudes got talent if he ever does a piece, but he never does, I want him to do more pieces so I called him out; criticism breeds creativity. That one piece on the roof where he went over knate was nice, and AM...my beef with them should be clear--They are the only ones I really have an issue with. Then you said some nonsense about college, is that an attack on my intelligence (hey excuse me sir...you're smart and you work your butt off, that's so lame) Now its like you're trying to be "the bigger man" saying this isn't the place...fool you brought it up by attacking my education status...are you serious. Your ignorance is amazing. You're believing the lie fed to you by the left wing, and by journalist with an agenda. Step back and look for yourself, dont "do your own thing just like everyone else" be yourself. You say God's not real, I stand by where I place my faith...I'll let those consequences be on you.

When it comes to my boy though, don't put more heat on him than he's already got simply because of your ignorance.

You might know who I am...what I write though...you know nothing. I'm not BLiNK, I'm somebody else.

"Two toys arguing"

I made a choice....and it has to do simply with the fact that Raleigh doesn't need any unwarranted heat, there is already enough right now.

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all stolen, thanks to, cross eyed mary, pedi pablo, xxbrianxx, and zen.....:burn:



keep your bickering off of this thread.










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thanks to chill then kill for the fliks

bump the sicr........


and seriously use the fucking PM's

.....if you dont know how to then ask or exchange phone numbers or email addy's


no one wants to read all that pointless toy beef.........

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is that behind that toy smoke shop? that place is robbing you blind for paint and supplies...FM goods and sounds right up the street has montana and caps a lot cheaper...mines just did an art show there as well and they are showcasing his work this month

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I just buy tips from there because it is close by you know...that's about it. I have no need for montana, I can get some Rusto for way cheaper, but yes it is that shop. Where is FM goods and sounds, I have heard about it. Is it farther up on Hillsboro? Mines' stuff is pretty cool I would like to see some showcasing of his work. I have a picture of this ghost he did somewhere, I don't know where it is though...it's so clean and so ill. King of Raleigh??? He is definetly one of them.

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