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shameless self promotion

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Actually im quite the youngan still. But it is by far the best birthday to have!!


21 birthday today, and i am still reeling that it took 21 years to get a little yellow bracelet on my hand at a bar. Not that it ever meant anything before, but you know the feeling.


Party is at my house tonight, a keg and about 175 dollars in liquor, some jungle juice and some champagne.


Anyone in the midwest feel free to drop by.


If not, drink one for me and dont drink and drive.

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drink some piss

i will give you a porno i made with some sluts and some homeless people i found its called "rectum razor rushing" give me a fortyoz of hard drugs and i will give it to you


you can get a hold of me by eating my face and only the face than you shall receive "rectum razor rushing volume1"

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I was born at 7am, i dont think that my parents were trying to get me to be the new years baby etc. I think they wanted the $$ from the tax break or whatever :)


Anyways, ive already drank 3 labatts, a rum and coke and im working on some of this jungle juice we created.

This has been the only thought in my head for a while...

"you are now allowed to officially slap bitches

you have the right to remain violent and start wildin"

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