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i eat poo

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so this guy has a really bad cough and he goes to the pharmacy to see if he can get some medicine to help him stop coughing so he asks the dude working to reccomend something. The guy who is working is just a cashier cause the pharmecutical guys out for lunch but he tells the custy he can grab him something to make him stop coughing while he waits a minute the phamacist 4 sho. He grabs a bunch of laxitives and tells the custy to take them. Not but a few minutes later the pharmacist comes back from lunch and notices a guy like latching onto a shelf and looking funny so he asks the cashier whats up with him and the kids like oh yeah i gave him some laxatives to stop his cough. The pharm is like what the fuckwhy? And the kid says if that sorry fuck coughs now hes gonna shit all over himself. ha ha that was weak but whatever.

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see, why do people still start bullshit threads? i dont even know why i responded. maybe to get one step closer to elite member. no, i still think this is bullshit and anyone grown should not be shitting their pants. unless youre over 80 years old.

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