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Top 10 Reasons GUNDAM should be on the Pimp Committee

Guest old_woman

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Guest old_woman

1. He is a well known pimp, highly respected

2. He does not get offended at all when I call him Mad Chicken Nugget, his name backwards is MADNUG, hence, MADCHICKENNUGGET

3. He demonstrates his philosohphical worthiness, he is capable of pimping forever

4. Pimps are special, so is GUNDAM

5. His Pimp Committee is imagenary, a politician at heart

6. He promised to regulate HO'ing, I dont get it, but I like the way it sounds

7. He promised to enslave preppies, or he better for the sake of being on the Pimp Committee

8. He is good with words, a definitive plus.

9. He has a big dick, he told Stupid, Stupid told me though I didnt want to know

10. His ancestry dates back to the Royal Pimps of England, a traditional plus.




* elections will be held approximateley when the Pimp Committee decides to inform the 12oz members.

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Guest old_woman

666? be gone !! I hate the devil, Bad !! get away from me evil..


seriously though, what attracts you to the piece of shit devil???


and on a side not, can I register you as a potential voter for GUNDAM in the upcoming Pimp Committee elections to serve on the Board of Pimps?

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