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Ways Not to Die

Guest cracked ass

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wow this is some ill shit...burning suks ass i wouldnt want to do that.....i cant think of anything twisted at the momet...o wait..how about gettin a screw screwed into ur scull while tied upside then they take it out and drain ur blood....

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Slowly Imploding would be shitty...car accidents are fucked up, the ones where you don't die rite away....those last few seconds while you were suffocating would suck. Being dragged by a car or burned....damn. Faces of death!

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Originally posted by cracked ass:

Over dinner with a few heads recently the topic of how you do NOT want to die came up. One person answered, then I jumped in with such relish that everyone changed their mind and didn't want to hear my input. I was like "This is one of those diabolical Chinese things" and suddenly they were all saying "I don't want to hear it."

Anyway, they take you to this river right near the ocean, which rises and falls with the tides. They tie you to poles in the river so that you're maybe up to your waist at high tide. They cut a small slit in your belly, fish out a loop of intestine, and staple it to a large cork. As the tide goes out, the cork drifts out to sea, slowly unpacking your intestines. If you're lucky (and you're obviously not at this point) something large and carnivorous will be attracted to the smell of blood and feces.


Anyway, that's not how I want to go.


thats fucked up.





I'M the ONE.

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this would suck fat balls...


a bunch of peope with chinese haircuts think it would be fun to tie each of your main limbs to a horse. your arms, and your legs. pretty close to your feet and hands. then, for the hell of it, they run the horses in different directions, just pissing you off and putting you in large amounts of pain. then, after they see you're mad, the just charge those bastard horses all at one time ripping your arms and legs off. damn, that would fucking sucks.

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  • 1 year later...

i hear there's some torture method where you're tied to the floor of a room with about a half inch of leeway on either side belly-up, with your appendages secured. water is slowly dripped onto your forehead and eventually the water level in the room rises enough to drown you, and you're probably insane already from the constant dripping on your headpiece.

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ok check this out. take brillo pads and razors and slice small slits all over your body. skuff up your body with the pad. then put you into a bathtub full of salt ,bear mase, and bleech. then leave you in ther for 3 days. after that pour sugar and honey all over you and drop you on a hill of fire ants. either that of putting you into a box that is smaller that you are so you cant move at all for days and then filling it up with carbon maonxide or water. im claustorphibic.........;) or sawing off all of your limbs witha rusty butter knife.........

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