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Guest GEAsusONEnep

^That fucking sucks. That shit has happened to me once. Little black kid, probably like 12 years old is riding next to me and my boys on his bike saying "WEED OUT". I kind of figured they would be some beat ass bags but I wanted to smoke so i give him 15$ and hes like "hold on, let me go to the crib real fast and i'll hook you up with a fat ass 15 piece". At the time I was rolling with this 20 head deep squad so I figure hes not going to burn us since we're right out front of his house and we're older. After like 20 minutes goes by I knock on the kids door and his mom answers. I'm kind of heated so I'm just like "Wheres your son?" Shes like "Oh he went to go play out back 15 minutes ago." Yeah, I got burnt by a 12 year old. :o

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^^^^^ HAHAHA that fucking sucks....



my boy was gonna buy about 50$ worth of E...so he meets up with the dealer.....and the dealer says to get into his car...so my friend gets into the car....then all of a sudden he hops out, and the car speeds away....turns out he got jacked for his money and his brand new cell phone.....the next week he got sent to massachusetts by his parents cus he was getting into lots of trouble and was on probation and shit...we never did any thing about it and we know that mother fucker too.....


another friend also lent $80 bucks to this one black dude that we sorta knew who needed a loan....turns out we didnt know him well enough and my boy basicallly never got paid back...lost 80$

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gettin beat sucks i got beat like a total 2 times an robbed once.


never again




my boy from back in the gettin jumped post who came through with the swift kick to the face type shit used to beat dudes all the fucking time. all me an my boys did was beat people. i mean i dunno why, cause we were too cheap to get a job but once, it finnaly caught up to my boy. and he got kidnapped and stuck in the back of a car. they drove around with a shotgun in his face like "now look you gonna give me my shit back" an he basically was like "you wont shoot shit"


the swat team got called in somehow, they had to pull over the car by force, got my boy the fuck out and found all types of guns in their trunk. heh he made the news


when i was in brooklyn for the night i got a call tellin me he got a shotgun put in his face again :lol: twice, third times a charm i keep tellin his hass to stop fuckin around


at this other dudes house....


they made a video tape of them woopin some kids ass for half a pound of weed. they set the video camera on the stove pointing at the door and left it recording. you seen two dudes go into the bathroom which was right next to the kitched door an one kid sit down at the table. this goofy dude comes up. as soon as he gets like 7 feet into the kitchen these two bust outta the bathroom one snuffs the fuck outta him while one holds him and the other one strips his ass :lol:


yea i know its fucked up, they sent him on his merry way with half a pound of weed less than he had before he walked up the stairs and we had our own when drug deals go bad video we could watch everyonce in awhile for laughs. it was dumb as shit to video it but fuck it. i didnt do shit. it was the same kid(s) who drove the suv into the crowd of people in the being jumped reply. the funny shit was when my boy busted outta the bathroom and snuffed him he yelled "BOOM!#@#!" for some reason right when he punched dude in the face :lol:


sittin there like "this bitch really yelled boom when he snuffed him, what the fucks wrong with you? you get into scuffles goin BOOM! BOOM! TWAP! ZOW!" :lol: this bitch thinks hes batman.... ahaha good times, what a dumb fuck me an my boys were/3 quarters still are

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I smoked a blunt in my car once in the snow, it was a honda an tried doing doughnuts in first, I was like "ahhhhhh damnit how do you do fuckin doughnuts#@$@ ARGH#@"


so after driving like that in corny little circles for about 5 minutes my friend was like "fuck it, try it in reverse"


so I did, then we started doing doughnuts and couldn't figure out why we could do em backwards and not forwards, sittin there like "yo i swear I been in a car who could do em going forwards"


all while having no idea why it was working, yet at the same time knowing damn well honda makes front wheel drive cars

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There used to be this laundry mat in my old town and this old dickhead used to own it. So one night we called thew emergency number and told him that a couple of the washers had flooded over and the whole place was covered in water. We hid across the street till he came and when he got out we grilled him with snowballs. We run he gets in his truck and two of my homiez jump in their car, He starts chasing them around town, finally my friend stops the car the guy gets out and starts to say something through the window. Just then my friend stomps on the gas covering the guy in slush and mud. We laughed all night .



This became a everynight thing for us for like a year, He even shot at us to scare us , but it was a starter pistol.:lol:


Another splashing story. There used to be this one dude who thought he was mad cool, but he was the biggest skid stuck in 1990, we had some kind of beef with him I cant really remember what. We were park along a side walk in the winter and he walks up all dressed in nice white cloths, like pant and shirt. He starts apologizing and my friend punches it and covers the dude head to toe in shit. He just freaked started yelling, we could hear him all the way down the street.

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-Warning: I am a bad story teller-


I was at the Wetlands once for a rad show, but unfortunatey I got pretty sick. I stepped outside for some air and threw up a few times. I started feeling a bit better so I went back inside. Once again, that feeling of my lunch coming back up came so I went downstairs to the bathrooms, but they were to crowded.. so I'm walking back upstairs and I puke, but I cover my mouth and keep it in there so I can spit it out, outside. I get stuck behind some dude and right s he is opening the door I puke again and it all went over his back. He didn't even realize it, so I just kept walking.


-End of bad story-

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Originally posted by iCEBERG

there was this crazy kid in my school named lewis who always wore a trenchcoat and had long hair and always put it in a sloppy ponytail and had to use a little telescope to look out of his bad eye... yea i got no stories he was just kinda crazy lookin when he would look at you through his tiny telescope




I didn't even know I wrote that, wow I just got done laughing so fucking hard cause it's true :lol:

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a couple years back we were going to this bitches party and the girl had called the shit off and my boy lived right up the street and like 3 of my other friends just took off from the pigs cause they had done a caserace or someshit so we scoop them up in my boys honda wagavan..them old fuckin things all wheel drive and shit..well we pull into some guys dirtdrive way and he had some bulldozers and shit and a big open space so we started spinning cookies and shit yelling drinking beers and whatnot..this was in the middle of a maine fuckin blizzard..and we pull out of this guys driveway and drive down the street spin it around and hammer back past and right when we approach past his house i see this knit hat in the air..turns out it was the top of the guys head whom owned the house and he was trying to run at the car as we drove by so my boy simply opened the door on his ass and dropped the motherfucker right in the road..i nearly pissed myself laughing..then i killed a bottle of whiskey..those were the days

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^ :lol:


yea, I've been wanting to open the door on someone as we drove by too...


Me an my boy took out an explorer we happened to come across out in the snow...


long story short we went to some rich town and decided to see if it can make it up this pretty big hill, which it did. Now we came out of the woods and we're driving around in was looked like a wield field type shit with crazy amounts of tiny hills....


They were like ford explorer moguls an shit, it turns out we were in some filthy rich guys back yard rough riding around. We almost flipped the suv onto his porch so we decided now would be a good time to bounce, all while driving through the snow, and when we turn around we hit a fuckin tiny pole with a little flag on top of it that said 9. Turns out those explorer moguls we're his own private golfcourse an shit. So we leave hitting every hole marker we could get at on our way out while my boys yelling out the window going "hole in this you rich ass mother fucker BOOOM$#@@!" just hitting shit the whole ride out.

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