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++ The girl problem superthread ++

Guest imported_Tesseract

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Guest imported_Tesseract




Alright, this thread is about you people obsessed with girl problems, you know who you are.

Its a good idea that if you want to feel bad about your lousy lovelife and search for opinions that doesnt change a single thing, you can shamelessly post here a thousand times instead of spaming the forum with crap.

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Guest serpent of the light

alright, so i'm moving to the great land of florida in august. rocking. and this super hot girl, molly, preppy emo smart hot etc is all into me. and i'm wondering if its dumb to get with a girl when i move in 2 months. thats my issue. she's really fucking hot and she always wears short ass shorts and mmmmmmmmmm :)

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Guest uncle-boy
Originally posted by serpent of the light

i'm wondering if its dumb to get with a girl when i move in 2 months. thats my issue.


i'd say go for it if you really like her.

but if all you care about is getting tha pussy, stay with her anyway cause you dont give a shit about her, really.;)

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i know i dont have any relationship problems. if i did, i dont think i would take it on here. i can honestly say that i have good advice for myself. sure i will get other people's opinions but seriously, it's not really anyone's else's business. you know what i mean? i feel that i am confident enough to make my own decisions.


tesseract doesnt take any crap. thats why we get along sooooo well. :king:

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Guest Stoney Blaze
Originally posted by Gnes 37


girls drive me crazy


...i like everything about this peice except the choice of windup key placement.


so my girl from Boston calls me up last week. "i'm coming to town", she says. 'cool', I think to myself.

I'm really a loser who does nothing but stay home and work all damn day but I went out last weekend. had fun and hooked up tenative plans with this gorgeous 'Greca'. (Greek girl)


My girl from Boston's fine too but I have a feeling that La Greca is gonna see me out with Beantown and when Beantown goes home, I'll have ruined all chances of dating La Greca.


i know, i know. there are worse problems but that's what this thread's for.

CRAP SPAMMING....:dazed:

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getting a gf really isnt that hard , just go ask a whole lot of hot girls you see for their # , and dont be afraid to ask , whats the worst that can really happen , you'll get a no . big deal , shake it off . one of em will say yes , its statistically impossible for one not to .

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Guest professor poopatronic
Originally posted by serpent of the light

alright, so i'm moving to the great land of florida in august. rocking. and this super hot girl, molly, preppy emo smart hot etc is all into me. and i'm wondering if its dumb to get with a girl when i move in 2 months. thats my issue. she's really fucking hot and she always wears short ass shorts and mmmmmmmmmm :)


don't go out with her. introduce her to me. this town has a serious shortage of emo girls. i'm fucking dead serious give me an e mail we should hang out.

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here is my problem...


should i stay here with my girl, or move back home?



pros/cons of staying here:


+ hard to leave girlfriend

+ she has a great family

+ i have a car

+ philly is nearby

+ i'm living here cost free

+ we've been together for 3 years now (mostly long distance)


- ZERO friends here

- not too happy a lot of the time

- dont feel like i have a lot of freedom

- don't know how our shared car situation would work out

- i hate school more than anything ever.





pros of moving back home:


+ good friends

+ i know the area

+ best skatepark ever

+ know a girl that ...might... be interested in me



eh tell me what you think. i'm the biggest dork for posting this shit.

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My problem is that i can always get with the super hot chicks, but then i screw up sumhow, or maybe its just cuz they actually get to know me. ahhh well, 2 week relationships r cool. man bieing 13 is sweet :rolleyes:

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