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Remi Martin

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hey there guy...caught your name as logged on and wanted to articulate my point outside of someone elses thread, so...

What appeared to have caused the ire of the members is that you think people who paint graffiti deserve to serve time when they are caught and should be locked up. However you insist that you paint graffiti to simply ruin peoples days and provide a all around negative experience for all that see your work because 'you hate the world' With that mindset I can seek shelter for the use of the word nigger, I wanted nothing more than to ruin peoples days and leave them with a sour taste in their mouths.

To further explain why your logic is to the point that you must have been on coke last night to spit out such ingnorant angry opinions, peep this.

Coke was brought in to South Central Los Angeles by the CIA to feed the illegitimate wars in countrys other than ours. After introducing a plauge of violence and drug addiction that left uborn children coming in to the world in not only a goverment dictated world of poverty, ie: bringing in drugs instead of economic stimulation to provide loans, grants and the like to assist a allready underprivilaged area in becoming self prosperous like the predominitly white parts of the city, but with life long mental and physical dissabilities. Drug laws are EXTREMELY racist. Belive that marijuana was made illegal because it was the number one cash crop for black farmers. For example powder cocaine, used by whites more than crack carries no where near the harsh sentences as possesing crack. Basically, I could be caught with a $100 worth of crack and face at least 3 years in prison. However it would take about a ounce of coke, several thousand dollars worth of crack, to recive the same sentence. But with your view point, people who sell crack to survive in a economically suppressed area are responsible for the bed they made, regardless of what reason they are selling crack. Innercity decay.

I could care less what race you are mapo. You live off your moms, and I doubt you grew up poor. Perhaps if you tasted the real poverty and hopelessness in the world your insistance that people who do things that contradict the imoral laws on the books deserve to be locked up in a system that is now a for profit industry would be more realistic and mature. Yet you fly off the handle at the slightest hint of anything that doesn't fit your modern day version of politcal correctness. If your really concerned about racism, dont hate on message board members who are really not racist, go fight for job programs and economic regeneration in suppressed parts of your state. Complete ignorance if you ask me, is people whos agendas dont span outside their immediate needs wants and desires, such as yours.

And please go into detail on how uneducated, immature, racist, and whatever else you said I am.

Its my thread twoards you. The mods shouldnt trip.

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first of all. the whole theory that the CIA introduced cocaine to the ghettos is just a theory. i know theres some book which is about that very topic. but the fact remains there are two sides to the story and you cant just pass off the whole 'CIA fed crack to blacks' thing as fact.


to be honest im really not sure what your even saying. maybe your hood is on a little too tight. are you saying im supporting the decay of black people by snorting cocaine. dont even start to lay that shit on me. i tried coke because i was curious and thought it would be fun. dont put the weight of the world on my shoulders.


and you are a racist. you called me a 'dumb southern nigger'. you cant call black people that and still claim not to be racist. it doesnt work that way. what if i said 'i fucking hate kikes, im glad hitler burned those god-damn leeches. but im not anti-semitic'. its just not possible.


from now on you can look in the mirror and say 'i refer to black people as niggers'. and if you ever meet me in person you can say to your wife and kids 'this guy right here is a dumb southern nigger'. make 'em proud. but you wouldnt dare do that. like i said youll only spit your hatred when youve got a shield of a computer screen. besides, youre not racist anyway right?

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Originally posted by mapo wc

first of all. the whole theory that the CIA introduced cocaine to the ghettos is just a theory. i know theres some book which is about that very topic. but the fact remains there are two sides to the story and you cant just pass off the whole 'CIA fed crack to blacks' thing as fact.


*if you belive that the cia had nothing to do with the crack cocaine explosion then thats all you , I choose to not belive the goverments version. If you think the goverment would own up to somthing like that, your playing yourself. Dont forget its that same goverment that injected black people with radioactive substances without telling them, and i read that in time magazine.


to be honest im really not sure what your even saying. maybe your hood is on a little too tight. are you saying im supporting the decay of black people by snorting cocaine. dont even start to lay that shit on me. i tried coke because i was curious and thought it would be fun. dont put the weight of the world on my shoulders.


*never even went there.


and you are a racist. you called me a 'dumb southern nigger'. you cant call black people that and still claim not to be racist. it doesnt work that way. what if i said 'i fucking hate kikes, im glad hitler burned those god-damn leeches. but im not anti-semitic'. its just not possible.


* I said that solely to irritate you. Belive Im a very open minded person that grew up in the birthplace of islam. My best freinds growing up were Indian, Palestinian, Ethiopian, and Swedish. Im not racist guy, I dont think racist, I dont talk racist, because Im not racist.


from now on you can look in the mirror and say 'i refer to black people as niggers'. and if you ever meet me in person you can say to your wife and kids 'this guy right here is a dumb southern nigger'. make 'em proud. but you wouldnt dare do that. like i said youll only spit your hatred when youve got a shield of a computer screen. besides, youre not racist anyway right?


* let me restate myself, Im not racist. Christ, I almost converted to Islam a while ago. I dont refer to black people as niggers, and never have, and when I was in jail guess who I hung out with, a bunch of black gangsters that caught my back against nazis that wanted to beat me up for hanging with blacks. get over it guy, accuse all you want, im not racist.

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Guest willy.wonka
Originally posted by mapo wc

besides, youre not racist anyway right? [/b]


we dont tatoo lightning bolts on our foreheads for nothin...:rolleyes:

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I want to know where the dick came from that seems to be lodged up your ass making you such a complete dumbfuck hater on people that do art against a society that enslaved generations of people. I dont get it. you fly off the hinges over racism, yet insist that writers derserve to do time when the are fighting a system that was probably built on slave labor. In other words, nobobdy except violents and child molesters and the corporate fucks that rip off working class people deserve to be locked up, WHATS YOUR FUCKING PROBLEM GUY??

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Originally posted by GLASS*ETCH

I want to know where the dick came from that seems to be lodged up your ass making you such a complete dumbfuck hater on people that do art against a society that enslaved generations of people. I dont get it. you fly off the hinges over racism, yet insist that writers derserve to do time when the are fighting a system that was probably built on slave labor. In other words, nobobdy except violents and child molesters and the corporate fucks that rip off working class people deserve to be locked up, WHATS YOUR FUCKING PROBLEM GUY??


I dont hate against writers. Im just saying, if you know what you do is wrong, then be a man and take your punishment. what part of that dont you agree with?

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the part where you so caulosly make that statment, when a, you live off your moms, b, i doubt your up at all in gainsville, c, you give writers a worse rep by stating you just want to fuck shit up cause you hate the world, and d, im pretty sure youve never done time. being a man and doing your bid is one thing, acting like its the thing to do when your not a up writer who has never caught a serious case and goes on the internet to try and break off someone who is, is a GIANT BITCH MOVE>

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does this sound familiar?


"i write because i hate the fucking world. i dont do it for art, i dont do it for fame, i do it for destruction. i love the fact that im fucking up somones day by vandalizing their shit. or to anyone who sees it, i hope they consider it an eyesore and it fucks up their day as well. i dont get all political on graf."


please leave the culture i love out of your issues, you live off your mother, that to me makes you a child. Every writer I met has their own reasons for writing, your reasons are weak. you wanna fuck peoples days up, go to the whitest suburb you can find and get in yuppies faces all day.

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Guest Firetruck

noone is up in G'ville, that 34th wall is fucking joke, nothing but greek kids sending birthday greetings to their frat bros or sisters.


it's gay to quit the army and then say "you need to take responsability for what you do" becuase you signed up and then quit, which makes you a hypocrite, on top of being an asshole

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Guest professor poopatronic
Originally posted by mapo wc


I dont hate against writers. Im just saying, if you know what you do is wrong, then be a man and take your punishment. what part of that dont you agree with?


i'll let you in on a little secret here. there is no such thing as right or wrong. people came up with such ideas so that they could pretend to understand a world that makes no sense whatsoever. i don't think too many writers actually consider what they do to be "wrong". illegal, yes, but illegal and wrong are two entirely different things and the legality of something has holds no importance if laws aren't made for the benefit of the people.

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Guest Wilt

white people are niggers too...dont be a bunch of bitches....its a fucking word...get over it.this is how racism is still around...if no one gave a shit...it would die...

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^wigger please.....

mapo's got brains on you fool.......and if anything, I hope he at least gets out of this that theres more to life than hating the world and trying to destroy shit, while living off his moms and experimenting with drugs. I wish you the best mapo, really in all sincerity, I hope this has at the very least broadend your view points, you stick by your guns and are intelligent, and I admire the balls you had to get out the army. All you need to do is grow up.

best wishes,


glasseater/proffessional hater oner.

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Originally posted by cmeup

this whole thread as well as tha other shit said in shameless's thread are both stupid and ignorant topics of discussion....


everyone should just shut up and be on there way...




everytime i see your posts because of the ammount of smileys on your signature it seems that you are always laughing and all you so is laugh all day like a stoner...hahahahah

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how many times do i have to say this. I NEVER CONSIDERED MYSELF A WRITER OR A MEMBER OF GRAFFITI CULTURE. I am myself, thats all. and as you can tell im an angry person most of the time. i wasnt popular in school, i only have a few friends, im 19 and ive never had a girlfriend, and i just generally suck at everything. im fucking pathetic. so to let go of some stress I vandalize shit. i would much rather have someone see my tag somewhere and get disgusted by the disrespectful nature of it, then have a writer think my handstyle is dope (although id have to agree, heh). both are cool, but id take the first one every time. some shit i used to do before graffiti - pissing on the floor of public bathrooms just to piss off the janitor, throw rocks at cars, shove firecrackers down the mouths of lizards and blow them to pieces. im a fucked up individual, i guess.


poopatronic - i disagree. i think we as humans have an instinctual code of ethics.


and that shit about the wall in G'Ville is true. Ive only painted there once, I did a pretty big piece just to introdice myself i guess. Like I said I do graf for the vandalism aspect, and a little bit for the rush, so Im not into legals. It is mostly birthday wishes, etc. But there is alot of dope shit on there as well.

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hey asshole, i like lizards...


please let me take back the fact i called you intelligent.......

you wack little mommas boy.....

if you have a tag and say your not part of graffiti, fine your not, your some wack little hurt feelings colombine closet spoiled little bitch that lives off his moms paycheck.

catch and aids die asshole.....i would have loved to been able to not support myself and go to college fulltime.....maybe you cant get a woman cause your to busy pissing your pants and feeling sorry for your bitch ass..

i hope you catch a case, get a racist judge and your nigger ass gets butt raped by a nazi with a eleven inch dick....and thats not racism, thats your pussy ass bad attitude back in your face..

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Lizards!! Lizards!!! how you gonna do a Lizard like that......


your prolly the type that jacks off to dead kitty cats and little kids at the park, after your done trying yoga so can suck your own dick, on your way to go vandalize the gay bar so you can get ass raped for free all night and not have to pay the gay hookers...

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