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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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hey!hey!hey!....what's up assholes?....hahaha....I just got of work...no not my job at the greek joint---but barbacking for free drinks and tips at a spot usually get fucked up at anyway....lol....life is grand....that Dart I'm picking up on the 20th when I get paid is only going to cost a 100 bucks...I'm fuckin' stoked......and I'm getting all of body parts for free from some dude he knows......ILL!!!!....that car is gonna be sicker than infants with influenza......yo,Earmuffs!!!...quit flakin' and get your physical being down here where I'm at.....let's go destroy some shit!!!.....hahahaha.....fuckin' a rightous.....I'm out of my gord....lol......RAWHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!

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ughhh my mom fucking drives me nuts


shes a complusive obessive cleaner and just because she thinks she has to be cleaning constantly ..she thinks i do too..


i'm going nuts i want to bash in someones face ughhhhhhh



p.s. i'm joining the airforce in the summer

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Originally posted by EarMuffs


didnt think so











i was driving home and the sky was amazing, it was greyish purple..even tho its 11 at night..i felt like i was driving home at 4:30 in the morning.. and it was lightly drizzling.. i would have paid money to be sitting on a roof drinking a 40 with one of my homies puffing away, laughing about old memories .. aww i miss my bestfriends ;[

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^^^^I kinda did that tonight---I scammed 5 bucks from this one kid who owes me some scratch---watched Clint Eastwood in "Sudden Impact" with a couple punk rocker homies and now I'm home so I won't drink and drive and I'm on my 4th forty....my typing isn't getting fucked up yet....so I guess that's kinda a good/bad sign.....it's drizzling outside right now.....man,I love this weather.

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