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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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Originally posted by vinyl junkie

wonka... my knowledge of traditional japanese tattooing is limited, but here's what i know...

first off, what is commonly seen as koi are actually supposed to represent carp...

carp swim upstream at pone time of the year to spwan, and downstream 6 months later for the eggs...

one direction sometimes has a green/brown/yellow spiral on the forehead, which is supposed to represent moss, and it will only be associated with the fish swimming one direction... for the same reason (seasons, time of the year, there will only be cherry blossoms when the fish is swimming the other direction...

like i said, each direction has a specific meaning, but i don;t know what it is...

if you see any tradintional japanese full body suits that feature carp, a lot of times you'll see fish swimming up on one side of the body, and swimming down on the opther... from what i understand, this is supposed to represent birth and death, and the cycle of life...


so word...

also, if the tattoo is intended to be koi and not carp, then the whole idea of saying that one is unlucky and the other lucky is total bullshit, as there are no spiritual/religious based tattoos that traditionally feature koi... unless it's specifically a local thing...


maybe you should show up too. daniel is showing up and bringing a friend that lives two blocks away from there.


this is really good information. i had no idea. and the tattoo is intended to be a koi and not a carp so it is all bullshit aside.

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fantom.. hey if you could send those pics back that'd be great..cause then i wouldnt have to make copys..cause if i did that would mean i'd procrastinate more..hah.... but i gotta be sure to get those back ..but if's a problem i'll for sure make copies..

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im bored as fuck.....



i got a small package in the mail the other day that i-patch clan sent me, it contained a cd and a few photo's. in these photo's was a picture of one of your wall's. i was quite happy.




thank you for your time.

sincerely, FANTOM

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I'm bored thought I'd share






Learning about the Graffiti subculture has been beneficial and in

identifying the underlying cause of repetitive tagging, The premise

behind tagging is to be known and to gain fame as a tagger. Other

motives include, a sense of belonging to a crew, gaining respect,

and holding good status. There are different ways of gaining status:


1) How much your tags are up

2) How much your crew is up

4) How long a tag stays up

5) How many people see the tag

6) How much style & skill your tag have

7) What crew you belong to


A rookie tagger is a nobody. He has no status but wants to belong.

This is why taggers will follow the rules when selecting a tag name

and finding a crew to belong to. A "non rule follower" would be called

a toy and may be crossed out and not respected.


There is only one person of each tag name. If someone wants to use

the same name, they must battle for it. They battle for the right to use

the name because they know that only one person can be known for

the tag. They want the fame for their work, not for someone else. A

battle is a graffiti competition that determines who is best.


Fellow taggers join in consensus to determine who keeps the name.


Each tag is a signature of the vandal himself. Although tags are hard

to read, at first, the intent is not to make it unreadable. The style and

design are recognizable to their intended audience.


Taggers may choose new names if they have been caught. However,

they still belong to the same crew. It is almost as if the tagger just

can't quite resist the temptation of putting up his old tag name This

practice also helps introduce their new name...



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Originally posted by When

basically i got burnt out on my job and told my boss that im quitting for a few months


Im never gonna get that shirt :lol: :(

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Lil brothers piss me off, they talk crap, delete important files of mine and dont expect a punch for it ? Then when they recive the punch they run out of the house crying "im never coming back whilst hes here" :lol:

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