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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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Originally posted by El Mamerro

Way to cap the liver onslaught...


you know it.


tonite was a friends birthday...


-2 pints arrogant bastard

-6 double jager and redbulls

-2 jack and cokes

-2 or 3 newcastles

-1 hiroshima

-1 oint some dark microbrew (not too impressed)

-1 more himroshima



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hey hey owls...


so not too long ago i went through some drama with the girl...

i think i posted on here about that but i'll sum it up quick style:


me and girl live in the same house... different floor, different lease, but same house... she is in the room above mine...

now we weren't in an actual "monogamous relationship", but we had set down a few rules after we'd been fucking and spending the night together almost daily for several months... the main rule was this: if you're gonna fuck someone else, don't do it at home... our rooms are so close and the floors are so thin that we could have conversations through the floor...

so a week after we set up this rule, she gets fucked up, brings some dude home and fucks him... i get pissed off, call her a bunch and end up leaving her a message totally chewing her out... talk to her a few minutes later and she lies and says they weren't fucking and blah blah blah... i like the girl so i believe her...

find out a few days later that she did in fact fuck him, and the drama begins...

lots of yelling at each other and shit for a couple of weeks...

she's nuts, but i still kinda value her as a friend, and don't want every moment in my house to be awkward, so while she's yelling at me about shit, every time i say "just give me back the things i told you a long time ago that you absolutely could not keep, and i will back off, and hopefully we be square...

she yells at me for another week or so, i continue to call her out on all her lies, and finally she gives me my shit back...

then we don;t have any communication for a few days...


then monday night rolls around: (MLTf4nt0m's already read this... i posted it somewhere else... and names have been edited to protect the slutty)


*girl from the bar* spent the night last night...

i knew she was nuts, but god damn...

she is absolutely fucking crazy... diagnosed and all...

she's fun as hell tho...

we came back here from the bar around 1am or so, and headed straight to my room...

drank a little more, made out a little more, split a pill, and so on...

*broad who lives upstairs* came home about an hour later...

i think i have squared things away with *broad who lives upstairs*... i got my shit back from her, and told her that as soon as she did that i would stop hasseling her... so i think we're square...


*girl from the bar* knows about the whole situation with me and *broad who lives upstairs*... as soon as we hear *broad who lives upstairs* walking around *girl from the bar* goes "oh my god! you weren't kidding. this would drive me nuts!"

*broad who lives upstairs* starts talking on her phone and *girl from the bar* starts having a mock conversation with her (like i sadi before, you can hear everything going on up there)

my window is wide open through all of this... as is *broad who lives upstairs*’s...

eventually *broad who lives upstairs* puts on the cd of the guy she's currently seeing's band (shetold me a long time ago that i would be totally into them... but they fucking blow... "the bachelors"... really bad, loungy rockabilly... and they do a horrendous cover of miserlou) and *girl from the bar* sits up, in the middle of naked debauchery, and shouts "what the hell is this crap? fuck, if you're gonna be noisy as shit you could at least listen to good music!"

i am trying to cover my own laughter, while also trying to cover *girl from the bar*'s mouth cuz she is still screaming shit...

aprt of me is trying to keep shit chill between me and *broad who lives upstairs*... part of me is still enjoying enjoying pissing her off, but i’m trying my damnedest to make sure we can bury the hatchet...

anyways, *girl from the bar* shouted at her a few more ties over the night... i don;t really remember what she said, but i’m pretty sure she was only saying things along the lines of "shut up"... she may have thrown bitch or slut in there a couple times, which bums me out, but whatever...

at some point last night *girl from the bar* convinced me that i didn’t need to go to class today, so i turned off my alarm (i’ll admit that hanging out with her for most of today sounded like a really fun idea, so it didn;t take much convincing)... we got out of bed around noon and *broad who lives upstairs* was already up (i think she had today off and was too spun to sleep last night) and listening to the cd again (even louder now) and stomping on the floor and shit... so *girl from the bar* shouted at her some more while i tried my best to shut her up...


*i just remembered this part today*

i just put on circle jerks- group sex and remembered me and *girl from the bar* sitting in here screaming along to "i just want some skank" when we heard *broad who lives upstairs* walking around at some point...


i actually hung out with girl upstairs for a bit last night... she said absolutely nothing about monday night or tuesday morning... and she was wasted last night, so i'm pretty sure she would have said something if she remembered it... i'm guessing she was black out drunk like she so often is and has no recolection of it...



just thought my fellow owls might be entertained...

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i have three roommates on my floor... six people live upstairs...

of my roommates, all them have heard the whole story and all of them would probably roll around laughing if i told them about monday night... after hearing about how much upstairs girl fucked me around (ie: http://www.12ozprophet.com/forum/showthrea...ighlight=herpes ) they don't really care foor her too much either...

of the people upstairs, one of them has a huge crush on her and believes she can do no wrong... so hearing about monday night would piss him off... of the other four up there, i pretty sure all of them are pretty fed up with her, but keep a clean face seeing as how they have to live together... but i think they would get a kick out of it too...

the bartenders at the corner bar have all enjoyed hearing about it...


three of them won't even serve her there any more...

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Guest krie

what do you do for a buck vinyl ?


Im still awaiting my tattooist to call me, i left some thoughts with him a few weeks ago for a design. Tis getting cold now days, and now i have to go back to work tomorrow. blah.


edit: those backwards letters do no good iquit :lol:

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i assume you're asking where i work, krie?


i'm a bouncer... one place on a regular basis, and a couple other places just occasionally (the other places don't have a full time bouncer, only on exceptionally big nights)...


the regular place is a club, the occasional places are bars...


i am also racking up quite an impressive amount of student loans...

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Guest krie

Ah right, what are you studying ? Do you have any photos of your tattoo's? I have a thought that you have lots yeah ? Id love to see them if you got some, and are willing to share...?

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Well chaps, i'm back fom coffee and its 5 am on the nose. Don't park your car too far from the spot and decide to cut directly through the bushes to get there. what should have been a 10 minute jaunt turned into a 45 minute struggle. then when i get there, there is a big ol' dump truck broken down not 20 feet from where i wished to be. so i had to do ninja stealth shit to avoid them and wait for the super large tow truck to come and scoop the piece of shit. (actually i climbed a tree.)

The end.


ps. i think i got poison ivy. beer time!

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