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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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Originally posted by krie

Damn i feel sick

must have been dinner..


I had another day of Comunity Service today

we dont really do too much

they made us fill in a few holes at a koala pen

was pretty cool

and theres a bunch of nice guys on there, one i went to school with and aint seen in a while

only 38 more hours of it..

aint too bad compared to this 40 odd year old guy who has every sunday for the next six months

Krie...i feel sick too. i threw up lunch and dinner today. My stomach is all kinds of fucked up.


I got your postcards bro...very cool shit. i liked the lucky 13 swallow

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im such a loser

i found a box in the garage today while cleaning

when i opened it up there were a shit load of letters

that girls wrote me back in highschool


i had totally forgotten about them

anyway, i was reading some of them

and ran across this one girl i really dug

but had lost contact with some years ago


being a nerd i did a google search for her

and low and behold, what came up?


pornstar thats what

actually i dont know if its her or not

because there was no picture


but now im too curious

because it kind of seems like something she would do

and it has been quite a few years since ive heard from her

and last i heard she was working at a bar as a drink girl


her name is Crystal Bond

if anyone is so inclined to find a mugshot of her

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Man its gotta be like 40 degrees celcius here

its fuken hot

i skipped class half way threw the day its so hot

now i get to kick back in some air con and watch tv and eat pizza :ballcap:

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Originally posted by IntangibleFame

Rags you better be coming out here you filthy slum lord. Fuck everywhere else...you should hit up my email soon i wanna ask you somethin.


e-mail me, my address book has been wiped clean. ask away, and if you ask the right questions, i may be there this weekend. we could drink beer and shit...

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yay my mom flew in today i'm so happy. i havent seen her since i graduated. i swear my mom is looking hotter then me, geezus. it sucked though i had to wait at the airport for 2 hours cause her flight kept on getting delayed and finally when we were going down the escalators my friend showed up. that would have been nice to talk to him while waiting for her. and my mom cooked a yummy dinner mmmm i'm being so spoiled its great. so yeah...i'm really happy woohoooo.



holy shit..3 more days!

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ripping a bong and slamming tequila. just saw gothika, that shit was weak sauce and bitter gravy. i wasn't even minutely scared for one fucking second.











but halle's ass and titties had me in the seat till the end. i'd let her piss in my face just to see where it comes from.



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at what time is it alright to post in this thread, because there is no fucking way i'm reading all of it.


howdy all, i've recently discovered that i have switched my sleeping patterns severely and will be here way too often on the late night tip.


ahh, delirium coupled with listening to my roommate trying to fuck this girl in the next room is making me nauseous. time for a cigarette.

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Well im doing this tech (further schooling) course which encorporates with my work

and i have 1 and a half weeks to pull out and get a refund if i want too.. its not that good really. Im contemplating the army, i need to get outta this place for a while, and a friend is in the army as a rifle man or something.. hes gone for 10 weeks or so then comes back for 2. which would be perfect, i tend to get in or cause alotta shit at most times, being here for 2 weeks or so would still alow me to cause some, but id be pissed off for 10 weeks afterwards anyways :lol:

i called em and am currently chopin through there web site, there gonna send me some info out.. so lets wait n see ey..

whatsup with you killa ?

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nah man its the same seasons no matter where you are at in the world....seasons depend on the location of earch in relation to the location of the sun in orbit, curently earth is located closer to the sun but do to its axis we are tilted away thus creating winter..when the world spins we dont magically jump to the other side of the orbit









nah jk im bored at work doing nothing else

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hey - don't enlist. ever. you can't make "easy money" or just "score some cash for college" without sacrificing your dignity to the state. the entire purpose of the military is they tear you down to nothing and build you into what they want you to be. scary shit.


of course, the aussie military might just be koala cuddling and frosting cupcakes for all i know, so whatever.


that is all.

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