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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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yay the weekends finally here... ;] i dont have to wake up at 4:30 in the fucking morning.. today i went for a walk in the rain it was nice, i wanted to take my rottweiler but im afraid he will make me slip and fall.. feel kinda bad though. i went to my doctors appt yesterday and i'm healthy.. there was a student learning and you could tell he was so nervous they had to measure my stomach and he was having a hard time finding my uterus so the female doctor came in and they started pressing down on my stomach all hard the doctor said i had a good learning stomach cause i had great abs haha and so it was harder to find my uterus. I've been really stressed out lately and i try not to let it worry me. The student and I were talking and he was asking if everything was okay, im going to talk to a social worker to see how i can get finacial aid for daycare and how to make the loser sperm donar pay child support. The female doctor came in and was asking if i was okay and i was telling her how im afraid of my finacial situation and i started feeling overwhelmed and almost started crying. I told her how its just hard because i really know that im going to be doing this all on my own, and all my other friends who have kids have their parents to help them watch their kid, and how i had also wanted to go to school. She really boosted my confidence because she told me she was a single mom that had a kid at 19 and she also had no family support and had to do everything on her own, but she got help from the state to go to college and shit.. she did it all by herself ..went to work full time, went to school, even went to medical school and shes a fucking doctor and did it all by herself. And she told me i can do it too, but that it wont be easy. I really needed someone to let me know that everything was going to be okay. Some things have been getting down lately tho and i freak out cause i know its bad for the baby so i went to the bookstore and was looking at baby names and he started kicking all kinds. awww. i love him ;]



thats my ramble. sorry;D

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woop. just got back from a bbq with the crew..i ate so many damn grilled veggies soo yummy and there was bbq chicken but i didnt care for it this time around.. and my friend gave me a movie the professional.. which is one of his favorite movies so that meant alot to me.. anyway i gotta go to bed early.late.

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hey sneak. where ya been? i'm doing okay, relaxin to the max. I'm finally getting a belly, went and bought some maternity clothes this weekend. Everything is okay, i dont get morning sickness anymore, just still really tired all the time and overly emotional. Stressed out some, but im suckin it all up and just trying to not let things bother me so much. I'm having a boy... know of any good names? i for sure cant think of any.

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Originally posted by alure

hey sneak. where ya been? i'm doing okay, relaxin to the max. I'm finally getting a belly, went and bought some maternity clothes this weekend. Everything is okay, i dont get morning sickness anymore, just still really tired all the time and overly emotional. Stressed out some, but im suckin it all up and just trying to not let things bother me so much. I'm having a boy... know of any good names? i for sure cant think of any.


shit, it sounds tough as hell! i suppose it will all be worth it in the end no doubt. i havent been anywhere, i just kinda stopped coming into many threads on the oz. but thats how it goes..

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fucking hell...


i'm at stupid girl's house... who;s fucking my friend... and he;'s hetre too...


and he got soooooooo ufcking butt hurt when he found out me and herw were stilll fucking...


so now me and girl can't fuck naymore cuz he's a fucking chump ass, and she listens to whatever he has to say...


i think i'm gonna try to nail her friend tongihth...


man people and fucking stupid...

and i'm drunk...



woo fucking cheerds...

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i might try get laid tonight.. but chance's are it wont happen.. girls i know are just too fuken annoying..


i got a mates gf's 18th tomorrow..should be pretty good i hope...

im so glad work is almost over today, its been a shitter of a day. The boss changes his mind every 2 minutes on what he wants, or wants done.. bah!

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what up owls!!! i'm fuggin wasted......


gotta go home now, or to wherre i'm staying tonight, my cousin just got married and the reception was a booze festival. oh yeah, and i ate 6 percosets. texas sucks, except when your wasted with cool ass family members, i'll come holler at you'ins manana.....



wonkslwothgin fo life...................

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Originally posted by 455

Oh SHIT!!!!!Who dis?


<---------------------......what up you suckas?


When you see this holler with the quickness....my moms be in LA this week+weekend. We need to link up this week mos def. I need to get at crazy Z too...hopefully you know his current contact info. Hollerrrrrrrr tronics 2100

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haha VINYL reading that thread where you were all drunk, brought back memories..of me talking to you all drunk late at night..haha.. aw;] ahah..

are you still doing your zine?? you dont need to be fucking hoes anyway.. you deserve much better than that.. find yourself a sexy betty page banged tattoo'ed lil chica for ya self;D




i got in a car accident on saturday. i'm just fucking sitting at a red light and some guy rearends me, what the fuck was he looking at i drive a huge ass ford 150 with big tires and its bright blue.. wtf. i got out of the car and wanted to hit him he tells me "omg my dad is going to kill me" and i told him "oh yeah well he might fucking hit you once he finds out you just ran into a 5 months old pregnant girl" ugh people bug me. i had to go to the hospital i got all freaked out and scared. i had to get hooked up to a machine and make sure i wasnt going into contractions and they gave me another ultrasound ..they wanted to keep me for hours hooked up to the machine but i told them i thought i was okay so they let me go. but i'd kill someone if they made me lose my son.


people make me sad. if my friend got in an accident while she was pregnant i would call her later that day to make sure her baby was okay, did my "supposively best friend?" of course not, not the whole entire night, or the next day, or even today, nor has she paid my dad rent, or given me the money her parents are supposed to pay me for watching her son for 2 weeks. if i call her does she anwser her phone no. i dont know maybe im just too damn caring, i didnt think that a phonecall to see if your friend's baby was okay was expecting to much. Hell when her son had a fever i went with her to the hospital i didnt even have to think twice. Makes me start to remember why i stopped being her friend the first time..

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hey alure... i was just thinking about you today... good to hear you're ok... take care of yourself dude... stay well...


and i haven't done another zine since the one i sent you... been thinking about it tho... but it's a lot of work...

however you should email me your new address and maybe i'll mail you something...



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haha thanks krie, intangi, and vinyl ;] so nice.



everything is fine my dad puts me in safe cars haha, or cars i can run people over in! rawr


umm.. stress sucks!! (we wont even go into that)



vinyl.. i never see you available to chat with on aim!! but maybe thats because i go to bed by 9 usually these days..tehe... but yeah ill email you

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damn you slackers.. where's everyone at!



i have no roommate anymore. stupid bitch. she tells me im disrespectful and dont know how to treat my friends. but i wont even get into why we started fighting in the first place..it'd be a novel. sure buddy. stop pulling shit out of your ass. im just so stressed out about my dad oh god. i'm trying to get enough balls to tell him im pregnant but its been so hard, and now i have to tell him i'm pregnant and dont have a roommate.. i cant afford to pay that much, im trying to save up for a kid here. you could not imagine how badly im stressed out. fuck woman dont ever let them into your lives!!! hahaha except for me;] im nice! ;D

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