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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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Guest willy.wonka

shit homie...i just wanna move back to cali and find me a nice gheto hoe that knows and feels my needs..i dont want some girlie bitch that i can beat the shit out of, no, i want a bitch that can beat my ass and look good doing it."followed by sex of coarse"

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whats up kiddos?

well last night i asked out that chick i was seeing for a bit

of course she got this huge smile and said yes

and on an elbarto tip... shes not the hottest thing to walk the earth but to me she is beautiful like no other. i asked her out sitting on the beach at 1:30 in the morning so that has to count for something...

wonk slwothgin

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Originally posted by WhenOne

whats up kiddos?

she got this huge smile and said yes



dam, thinkin off that thats how my girl was, bin together for about 6mnths now. i was so happy wen she said yes i cruized in my car for ages up and down the coast just in pure enjoyment. bump for girlfriends!

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aww k i got it. thort it ment if u aint a Night Owl jump on and become one ? but ges not. its only 8:20 pm here in Australia. the night is youngggggggggg!



weres my girlfriend!

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