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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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well thats all for now


all that left to do for the body drop now is cut off the front crossmember and drop it 3 inches, take the sawzall to the sides of the cab floor

drop the cab floor 3 inches and weld the mother up!

then its on to more modifications

-installation of solenoids for the doors

-shaving the driverside handle (ive been lazy)

-installing a 6 inch stepnotch

-shave the cowl panel

-reroute a bunch of wires

-shave the cab seam under the rear window

-set up the soleniods for the bags

-make a rear crossmember for the bags

-and pull the engine to paint the engine bay


after that the shits gonna get top secret style

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Originally posted by vinyl junkie

that's what i was wondering about... i thought you were actually cutting all that space out and shortening the cab... for some reason rust repair never occuered to me...


well yes im shortening the cab in a way but from the outside you wont see a difference, but inside i will have 3 inches less headroom

it will become more clear as i post more pictures in the future

hopefully i wont lag this time :D


haha rust sucks! im proud to say that i dont have one bit of rust on this beast

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Originally posted by Pistol

now i just noticed smoke.

whenone upddating his profile like a madman. :lol:


ah the smell of bondo™


figured it was about time i changed some stuff

but i couldnt think of a new clever nightowls saying so i stuck with the one i had


*mmmm bondo

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congratulations when, you now have me utterly confused... so, moving onto a different topic concerning your truck, the new hot rod magazine has a small little blurb about a damn sexy hidden brake light (or any other kind of light) hidden under the paint... totally invisible until the light is lit, then it's totally visible...�

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Originally posted by vinyl junkie

congratulations when, you now have me utterly confused... so, moving onto a different topic concerning your truck, the new hot rod magazine has a small little blurb about a damn sexy hidden brake light (or any other kind of light) hidden under the paint... totally invisible until the light is lit, then it's totally visible...�


dont worry vinyl it will all be clear soon :)

about those brake lights... they are THE shit

my friend mike has them on the back of his tacoma

(actually he sold the truck but i still consider it his)

ill try to find a picture

he had the light that had brake/turn/a backup signals all in one

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the one i saw, it wasn't just painted over, but first the actual lense was sanded flush with the body, then the first layers of paint were feathered onto the lense, then the final layer went over the light... the final effect was real subtle, and produced more of a glow than regular lights, but was still bright enough to be seen...


also, on a related note, man do i hate led lights on cars... especially old cars... i could give 2 shits about how much brighter they are, i think they are way ugly...

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Originally posted by vinyl junkie

i am now sitting on a balconey, in my underwear, smoking a cigarette, with my laptop... these are the things that i missed...


im glad for you vinyl

say hey, when do you start school?


and if i had a long enough phone cord i would be sitting outside also

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well the girl that was letting me use her backside for a pin cushion just left town....boo....I am going to orlando in a few months to stay a week or two with her. I am looking forward to it since she was cool as shit.


on a side note I got a promosion at word I am now an advisor to the new reps and I got a 5% pay raise on my commission I am now making 20% so I have doubled my starting pay


my dashlights are now out on my car...in a little bit I am going to go up to the store and buy some small blue LED's to put in and wire to a remote switch so that way I can see my instrument panel until I get the money to have my entire dash taken out just to replace a lightbulb. I am also thinking of buying a set of 12's for my trunk and a nice amo...anyone have any suggestions?

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