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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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Originally posted by iloveboxcars

and 12 oz is where i go when i have female problems.


here is the low down.


there is a girl named grace. she is extremely beautiful and she also has a great personality (from what i can tell, ive only hung out with her once). everyone said she was interested in me as well. she is from hawaii.


thn there is a girl named ex girlfriend. i hung out with her last night and suddenly im not really interested in seeing grace again. which is retarded because grace is cool as fuck. i mean, im still going to go see grace but it just feels like when i went to see my ex girlfriend my connection to her was cut. fuck. and it isnt even as though i still want to be with my ex girlfriend. i really just want her to exit my mind for good. and everytime i go to see her i realize me seeing her isn't going to get rid of her.. or whatever. but for whatever reason i cant stop, and each time i see her i promise myself not to see her again and i do a pretty good job of it. up until i dont care that much for her again. then as soon as i am all humble about the situationshe calls or for whatever reason i call her and we hang out again. what.the.fucking.hell. die girls die.


I know exactly what your saying. bleh girls make me bi-polar.

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Originally posted by vinyl junkie

i'd go with you alure, but then everyone would think i was the dad... and i can;t have that... plus i live in a different state...

but cheers alure, let us know how it turns out...



haha. rags was gonna go with me..but he is in another town right now and couldnt get a ride down..and my truck wouldnt make it .. he doesnt care!! just kidding.. yeah i was in a really bad mood today but when i went to my ultrasound my roommate/bestfriend was there waiting for me ..she had gotten out of her attorney appt early and made it so i didnt feel so alone.. and then i got to see my lil baby moving around awww its the greatest feeling..






thats what i get for just picking out girl names. ;] haha. but i saw his penis!! haha.

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Hello Owls...


- Good news alure! :)


im at work at the moment, the receptionist called in sick today, so they making me do it. its actually a very easy job! im sittin here doing fek all, sent 4 emails off and answered two phone calls, easyyyyyy mate

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thank you everyone ;]..



when. how come i never get to talk to you on aim anymore? boo. probally cause i'm asleep by 10 o'clock these days haha.


fame. he's in a town nearby chillin up there with some homies and about to go to a wedding.


sneak. nah could never name my boy jimmy. i had a bad experience with a guy named jimmy.

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Originally posted by alure

when. how come i never get to talk to you on aim anymore? boo. probally cause i'm asleep by 10 o'clock these days haha.


sneak. nah could never name my boy jimmy. i had a bad experience with a guy named jimmy.


maybve its cause you hate me, i dunno

i dont get on aim much anymore because i dont like typing to certain people

(not you, others)


and jimmy is a horrible name

sounds like a name some bassist in a shitty garage band would have

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boxcars: logged for future reference...


as for me: i'm drunk... i have to be up in 4 hours for school... i am going for one single class... i'm not even sure if i have to be there tomorrow, but neither is the rest of the class... our teacher has been stuck in australia for a few weeks... he may be back tomorrow he may not... wednesday the president of the college led the class... if he is there tomorrow and i donp;t show up i will get dropped from the class... if i do go tomorrow and he's not there then i goo back home and i will have wasted the $4 getting to and from school, and i will be operating on 3-4 hours sleep for the rest of the day...



fuck school dude...





and i don;t know why every girl i fall for has to be fucking crazy... like, certifiable, been in the looney bin, up and down crazy... but they are... i just got off the phone with my girl friend... i was on the phone with her for an hour and a hlaf... i haven;t had a phone conversation last more than 15 minutes in at least 2 years...


and that whole call completely ruined my drunk...


fucking hell...


later owls... see you on sunday or monday...



i renewed my prescription for sleeping pills today... hopefully i will use them for their intended purpose, but also be on the lookout for vinyl junkie wasted and hallucinating posts...

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