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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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hahahah.........I'm fuckin' loaded........man,yonight was great........all the squad pissed in this empty Tostitos bag and threw it all over this dumb bitches back porch......all over the back door and on the carpet.....lol....it's gonna smell awesome tomorrow.....my homie beat the shit out of some asshole who worked at Safeway because he didn't sell us liks.....and we are all way over 21....I jacked a skateboard from the back porch of this other broads house....and now I'm eating a t.V. dinner and still drinking.......hahaha......I don't give a fuck right now.....

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Guest ctrl+alt+del
Originally posted by 455

all the squad pissed


hey 455, there was some odd character down at the usual spot tonight. he came up to me and started talking about people i knew. i dont think he could have been a cop, but it was weird. he said he knew you and z from way back. like waaay back. he was in town for the pow wow, if that gives you a clue to who he is. ill tell you more next time i talk to you.

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Guest willy.wonka

i order you to quote this quote until intangibleFLAME sees this.


Originally posted by willy.wonka

tangi...i knew you were gonna fag out on another wednesday party!!



you can type out your own shit though..

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I honestly hads no idea that shit was going down on wednesday...you know how to get ahold of me nigga! too bad i leave tuesday...good times kickin it wit ya if i dont see ya see ya. Tell tha master chef i said thanks for all that ballertician status with the drinks and sushi.Anywho the car show this weekend was bout it bout it.

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damnit vinyl junkie!


i called your cell a retarded amount of times on friday

but to no avail, anyway i went with my boss to drop off a customers

ride in danville

went to the giants/marlins game on friday

got sloppy drunk at some pub

spent the night in san jose because we were too sloshed

and went to the san jose/gramblin game on saturday for the hell of it


see what happens when youre too cool to answer your phone!

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yo when

sounds like a good weekend







wots an abatoir?

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its fun to drink


its really cheap






it tastes great


its never too late

for jager!



bitches, dont hate.....

too drunk to think of anymore.....

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