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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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im on ya level with that thread alure, gettin out of hand now

"im going to ... pretty soon"

bahh! who cares were ur going, the first one was made saying im going to italy, thats cool, but then everyone else was like oh im oging here..pisses me off seeing the same titles 5 lines in a row!

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Guest sneak
Originally posted by krie

dam that stubbed toe i got from playing cricket yesterday, has swollen half of my foot up, cant go to work now.



oh wot a shame about not bein able to work :krunk:


krie, you play cricket?

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Guest sneak

when im forced to...

wicket keeper and o. 2 batsman


in the last season i played, i got 2 knock outss, 7 broken fingers, 2 broken hands and a concussion

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ouch, i dont play in a club or anything, just with my mates on the weekends on the street, a park or a backyard. im a pretty good batsmen, can bowl pretty quick. its a good game to play when ya drunk on a sunday arvo out in the sun.


where u from Sneak ?

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yeah wen we play a game, we only use a tennis ball. dont use the real ball.


im in Perth.


we had a great game yesterday, was 42 degrees celcius, everyone was highly drunk, playing in a street meters away from the beach. was a quite enjoyable game..

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tomorrow should be good, its due to rain, but still gonna be high 30's. i love swimmin in my pool when it rains. so much fun.


alure i bet ur salad dont compare to my choc chip ice cream i have..

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Guest sneak

ill tell you what the best munch in the world is..


coco pops + full cream milk + cadburys flake sprinkled all over the top


and i just realised im not NIGHT OWLS so i shouldnt be here...oh well. cant be helped.

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yeah coco pops are good. i aint hatin on ya salad alure :) i enjoy salad. its delicious. i always take my girl out to dinner, and im pretty picky on foods, so i always end up just going "urmm ill just have a cesar salad, a big one" haha and she orders some wild meal. she must think im a rabbit and only eat salad haha :lol:

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Guest sneak

when i was with my lady, i used to bounce over to hers while at college and shed make me some tonk chicken salad / club sandwhich type thingy...mmmm

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Guest sneak

is post you one no doubt krie, but we aint together no more...

however, a lil recipie i came up with:


toasted white bread (put it between 1 and 2 on the toaster)

flora (or the eequivilent)

chicken breast (fresh)

mayonaise (and lots of it)

lettuce (iceberg)

salad - peppers, cucumbers, tomatoes


add this all together with a can o coke and pack of salt and vinega crisps = heaven

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