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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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Guest imported_El Mamerro

What the fuck is up with a girl who has obviously been on the dilz, has openly expressed about being on the dilz to several people, and when the moment of truth comes about (after hours of raunchy dancing and rubbage) turns into a little Gigglepuss Mcpantsyface and wants none? Argh.


It's been way too long, and PR women are not helping one bit.

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fuck the cock teases Mamerro!





Old er women you may think just want some young dick, and at first it is a fuck fest but the 2 i was with ended up wanting serious commitments which they knew i didnt want. feel free to ask questions...




:floor is now open:

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Originally posted by fatbastard



1- how old were they?


2- did they like keep calling you up and asking you to do stuff? how did they incinuate they wanted long term?


3- was this in canada?


1. they were 27 and 29....... this was a couple years ago


2. yeah the 29 practicaly stalked me for the longest time told me she was late on her period she played that for like a month...either she got a abortion or she was lying about it. The other girl kept sending me hate mail to my eamil account, and the 29 yearold started to talk shit about me to my friends that wasnt eve true..


3. yes they both were but the one girl was american, and the other was spanish form chille or whatever.




yeah i know theyre not super older like you were expecting but still its the moral that counts.

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Originally posted by fatbastard

thanks for the heads up,


thing is i have aquired quite a taste for them..maybe in future i should give them a fake name and fake details to stop problems like the ones you mentioned above.


or do you think thats a bad idea?


fatbastard/21 and vulnerable


jesus bastard, you now the deal tho. where'd you get all this info on how to swoop older ladies anyway.;)


milf oner bitches. shits easy.

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Originally posted by EarMuffs

just dont let them know where yo momma live thats what i did so she can now track me down whenever..


hahahaha bitch better watch it..



i've dated older men.and young men..they were all immature..the end.




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^^^^^^fuck,that sucks fury..haha.


anyways,I'm completely braindead from 6 straight nights of bingeing--my homie I skated with back in the day hooked me up with some old Indys and a new Alien board...I'm selling my '76 LTD for some loot and am going buy another '72 Dodge Dart Swinger for 200 bucks---it has some dents and shit....but oh well,I plan on restoring it---I also think I found a job serving and bussing at this Greek restaurant downtown....so....hahaha..we'll see how this works out.


my driver's license just got re-instated also.....but no more drinking and driving for me....it's just not worth it.

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ok this is what happens when men dont believe what women are saying..


i told my stepdad "i looked..there is no lug wrench in the car i looked" he tells me "there has to be" so he drives 20 miles from my house to work..comes here..to only find out..... TADA THERE IS NO LUG WRENCH... so he has to drive back to go get it.. duh..i could have changed the tire myself... oh AND ANOTHER THING someone FUCKING REARENDED MY CAR.. haha i didnt even realize..but the bumper is all scratched..and the taillight has a lil part broken off.. and i think the framing is kind of fucked up..grr.. i think it happened when i went downtown balitmore and parked my car..my luck with cars...;[



p.s. binging is bad.. tsktsk

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i'am so fucking pissed right now..


i got my response from the child support agency.. they cant fucking do shit because that motherfucking dead beat doesnt have a fucking job.. he came out here and had money..didnt give me a dime, not even an outfit for machai..NOTHING... then i get this bullshit..and i think he hired a lawyer or his parents did... i'm going to family court and requesting full custody of Machai, with no visitation rights, and i'm going to tell them to drug test that mother fucker.. i'm so fucking beyond mad right now..i wish he would have been there when i opened that letter i would have clocked him in the fucking mouth a couple of times... grrrrr.... stupid fucker wants to fuck around..i'm game... its getting UGLY

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Originally posted by Milton

I don't really know your exact situation, but if you can do anything to make sure that your son doesn't grow up without a father you should at least try to do it. For his sake. Take it from somebody that knows...


I could rough him up if you want?


i know what you mean..and i didnt want to do that..thats why i've been trying to keep it in good contact with him..but fuck.. he doesnt take any responsibility for his son.. he asked for Machai to have his last name, signed paternity papers, promised to help..and has he no.. its fucking lame..i work my asss off...to barely make ends meet so i can do the best for my son..while this fucker parties all night and does nothing.. so ill see in court.. if he has a job and helps me out..then fine..but if he doesnt want to help..then fuck him..i can find someone else to help me raise my son..

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Originally posted by alure

i'am so fucking pissed right now..


i got my response from the child support agency.. they cant fucking do shit because that motherfucking dead beat doesnt have a fucking job.. he came out here and had money..didnt give me a dime, not even an outfit for machai..NOTHING... then i get this bullshit..and i think he hired a lawyer or his parents did... i'm going to family court and requesting full custody of Machai, with no visitation rights, and i'm going to tell them to drug test that mother fucker.. i'm so fucking beyond mad right now..i wish he would have been there when i opened that letter i would have clocked him in the fucking mouth a couple of times... grrrrr.... stupid fucker wants to fuck around..i'm game... its getting UGLY


Alure......you're little Machai's father is not who I'm thinking is it?.....because if it is.......I might try a locate some people and have a little "pep talk".....okay?.....455---here to help you if I can. I hope you have a better day---peace outtro sista sledge...kudos.

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