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Everything posted by GankGankGank

  1. Dude @Joker your in-depth descriptions and detailed explanations are on point. Appreciate it again for taking the time to do that for each piece and not just mine. Your tips on other members sketches are just as useful. You the real mvp lol Salute!
  2. @Joker Man, some really great feedback I appreciate it. 1st Gank- When you mention it, the G does look scrunched up now and N isn’t really defined as an N. 2nd Sour- Don’t know why I put the cut in the R, definitely would look cleaner without it. 3rd Gank - I see what you mean, the G looks great but the other letter don’t necessarily match it, each letter gradually gains kinks and looses the original look of the G. Gonna try and redo this one see if I can get it cleaned because I like how it layered with the letters extending behind each letter and then the shadow gives it 3d look. 4th Cause - that’s a good idea of mirroring the CA into an SE. Gonna try to redo this one again as well. 5th Risk- Was supposed to say Risk not KESR. I definitely went to far with the extensions, I may clean this up too and try to make it more legible. Awesome feedback dude, I appreciate it a lot. You pointed out some things I wouldn’t have noticed or payed attention to and would of continued the mistakes. Gave me a lot to work with. Kudos to you bro. 🙏
  3. Appreciate it! I try to approach each sketch differently. And I need to redo the “cause” , misplaced the S and want to make each letter more symmetrical.
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