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Everything posted by CLICKCLACKONER



    asics gel lytes are dope...onitsuka tiger joints are uncomfortable hipster trash.
  2. dAmn your friend is fucked if they ever lose that account.
  3. Ah ok. Whenever you're in woodside (I think that's the neighborhood) try Krystal's.
  4. I feel the same way with flip food. I hate trekking all the way to qu from bk for the good shit. What BBQ spot in bk u hit up?
  5. balut is the tagalog (filipino) word for the duck fetuses.:o
  6. ok, i got a virus or malware or some shit. i tried malwarebytes in safe mode and in regular mode but the virus won't let it open. what should i do?
  7. Brooklyn's Finest. Not enough back story to Gere's character. He turned from bs beat cop to super cop within 7 days?!?!?
  8. wow, i had this issue of urb. i remember when it was big and i think newsprint.
  9. Earl, you have a very good memory. I know we're the same age, maybe cuz I Moved to the states in '82.
  10. From this picture alone, I think I know who you pickup from.:scrambled: :eek:
  11. going on dates is so foreign to me. even when i was single it was usually a hook-up at a party/ school/ work.
  12. A prophet or un prophete- dope gangster/ jail movie. I'll post up the link later.
  13. ^^Really fresh meat (nh) and fries. cooked in peanut oil.
  14. i was in the city a few days ago and saw those zombie/ monster posters...what's that shit aboot?
  15. Best de la album of all time. I gotta 40 of peps-eye a girl in bed stuy.
  16. the one on the left is g-shock, not sure what the one on the right is.
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