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Everything posted by CardboardCondo

  1. so in AA/NA i know its frowned upon to date within the first year of sobriety. but what about casual sex. and hookers for that matter.? not wondering for myself, but for a... a friend.. yea that's it.
  2. with a name like that i dont see how they are NOT ugly
  3. you trippin. bloodfart's trill. 50s cool and all but cant hold a match to bf's awesome
  4. 12oz destruction crew? you dudes should friend request her, im sure she'll accept. i mean she requested ME. im nothing special, as yall know.
  5. i banged this chick the other day. didnt know she had a bunch of money and herb before hand but i got there and she broke out with the green. she went to the bathroom and i dug in that wallet. she had xanax and klonopin too but i didnt fucks with em. coulda sold them
  6. i looked around for a beef convo on here in whatever thread and didnt find shit. you fucks better spice it up and quick.
  7. "you keep your trap shut. and ill keep your trap open!" hahahah
  8. http://youtu.be/kY84MRnxVzo "those red beans and rice didnt miss her"
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