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Hua Guofang

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Everything posted by Hua Guofang

  1. Smash a diddly do for the last two.
  2. @misteraven Here is another example of an unqualified person causing harm by talking about things they don't understand. Rush Limbaugh: The problem with what this moron is saying is that a virus can have a low mortality rate and still kill lots of people. The Spanish flu killed 50 million people and only had a mortality rate of 2.5%. It's not just about how easily it kills but how fast/easy it spreads and COVID-19 is extremely virulent. It can transmit in aerosol form and you can be contagious for up to two weeks without exhibiting symptoms. So those thermal scanners at airports can miss infected and contagious people. The threat with spreading bullshit like this is that preparation for an outbreak is pivotal in importance. There is the start of a pandemic that has the potential to kill millions, why the fuck would you tray and act the smart/tough guy and tell people to ignore it?
  3. Case in point: Te-Ping Chen @tepingchen wow. 153 coronavirus studies already published, mostly out of China, 92 of them not peer-reviewed. One (now retracted) tied it to HIV. Another said it was a pathogen from outer space. “To be first with a scientific finding is good for profile and for future funding.” .
  4. Ha, not me who's crying out that the end of my country is nigh! Canada and Australia are part of 5 eyes, being part of that group gives both our countries outsized impact in the world. Canada has NATO and Australia has ANZUS, that too gives us more power than neutrality would. Leaders come and go but those security alliances remain in place and that alone illustrates whether a country is taken seriously or not. .
  5. hahah, I love how they're still called the mounted police. @KultsCanadian navy may not be huge or overly potent but it is seen as highly professional and a valuable partner in the region. The RCMP are also valuable partners in terms of intelligence sharing, particularly around their experiences with home grown terror as well as counter-espionage given their sizable diaspora communities. The soldiers are also well respected. With those kinds of fundamentals the leaders don't matter so much, especially when they are very unlikely to shift the nature and character of the country and it's foreign relations. Leaders like Trump and Modi are different. They ARE changing the nature of their societies, they are changing the way they interact with partner countries and they are changing the nature of their governments/bureaucracies. Trudeau is not doing any of that.
  6. Hahaha, holy shit!! Dial the dramatics down, Chicken Little. Canada is still taken seriously in the Indo-Pac. You're carrying on the same way you accuse people of doing when they freak out over Trump. I'm not sure who the 'terrorist' was that your PM had dinner with but not overly surprised that Modi snubbed Trudeau. Modi is a hardcore nationalist and populist, he's the same kind of politician as Trump is. Trudeau is moralistic with progressive values (lol, blackface) and has criticised Modi for some of his pro-Hindu policies. India is also looking to move a bit closer to the US at the moment because they need to balance against China's growing influence - they need to move closer to China as well to balance the US, but they'd always prefer Washington to have the ascendency. Google 'the Quad" and Malabar exercises.
  7. A bit concerned about the credibility of the person that wrote that book, @misteravenI can't find anything to say who the person actually is (that's a pen name) or anything to convince me that this book is not full of misleading information that could make the situation worse. Given that the people at the tip of the spear are "remaining very humble" about what the know of this virus, given how novel it is, I'm skeptical that a 245 page book can be written on it by some one who is not at the frontline working on the response. I could be wrong, I hope I am. But it looks like some one who's thrown something together to make a quick buck. I'd avoid reading books like that for the time being and focus more on what is coming out from WHO and qualified folk/organisations that are putting out a lot of information every day. This is where social media comes in handy as you can track the relevant players closely.
  8. lol, I deliberately went to the self serve aisle and paid cash. First phase is when uncontrolled infections are detected outside of China, which has occurred in Iran, Italy and Korea. So on the weekend I bought stuff that was less expensive and will gradually get used in time so I'm not needlessly wasting money - some tinned food, toothpaste, peroxide, bulk dry noodles, bugoff, waterproof plastic bags, tie wire, cigarette lighters first aid stuff (diarrhea tabs, dressings, tape, worm tabs, betadine, saline, rehyd crystals, tape, sanitiser). Already have HDPE cubes for water, tent, bush mattress and other related bush kit. Second phase will be if it spreads uncontrolled in the Mid East/India/Eastern Europe or Africa/South America. Then I buy portable solar panels, rechargers and batteries, appropriate radio, more food, petrol, new cold weather clothing for family, powdered milk, binoculars, steritabs, filters, distillation kit, etc. Third phase is if developed countries begin closing borders. That's when I take the family camping for a while to see how this part of the country reacts. I cannot see it getting past second phase. I think people will take China's lead and just lock themselves in doors and this will slow the spread giving the vaccine time to catch up. If panic does break out we will be fine and will overcome it.
  9. Would anyone actually rent that? I'd expect that the kind of people who'd rent a 'room' like that wouldn't have 398 a week for rent.
  10. Blows me away that guys do that. Not so much because it's un-PC, but why bother? Do they think they're going to get a carpark blowy out of it or even a phone number? Surely not. So the logical outcome is that it actually is an act of harassment as there's no other likely outcome than being ignored. Sure, everyone likes getting a compliment, but not by a bunch of blokes leering at you in an area where you can feel outnumbered and under threat. -end rant
  11. I don't know what's dumber, people consistently using WWII/Nazism as a comparrision in a way that will get them badly burned or people consistently getting the balls in a bunch because something somewhere was related to Nazism. Seriously, it's the new N-word.
  12. @One Man Banned- I would fucking violate that bowl of noodle soup right now. So wish I hadn't seen that. @SMdoubleXL- Absolutely, the phone camera is the best deterrent around right now. People get hot under the collar and are ready to lash out but quickly have second throughts about what their employer would think when their antics are all over social media @Schnitzel- had to weed a verge like that at Blacktown station when doing community service for a wholecar. Still preferable to cleaning out drains on the footpath and finding syrynges.
  13. So how’d those protests in Iran go? Religious conservatives ban the moderates from running in elections, win majority in parliament and quietly arrest protesters. same shit as the last protest movement and the one before that (they even go over this in that Syriana movie). Welcome to IRI 1001.
  14. spoofing and jamming cams is the new wig and fake beard. Speaking of which, bushy beards, wide sunglasses, hats/beanies pulled low, covered ears, etc. are good for beating the cams. Or fuck it, just go full ninja and throw smoke bombs 100% of the time.
  15. That story has been going around since Dec 2019. 1 - nobody knows where it started yet 2 - it's possible it came from the lab in Wuhan but there is no evidence to support it 3 - there is evidence to support that it came from the wet market in Wuhan as the vast majority of the first people diagnosed with the virus either worked at the market or had recently been there. Secondly, we know that zoonotic infections like this have come from similar wet markets in China and animals that were also being sold in Wuhan (SARS Civets). 4 - some Chinese propaganda outlets are trying to shift the narrative to convince people that this came from the US. There is a stupid internet rumour going around that this was an American lab that had set up in China and secretly released the virus to attack China. Beijing seems to be trying to perpetuate that rumour to reduce and divert the heat that they are copping for fucking things up so badly. If it starts moving uncontrolled in the cities you live in, wash/sanitise your hands constantly, wear a mask, don't touch the mask - if you do, sanitise your hands. Avoid areas where people congregate and do not buy into the panic.
  16. Food, water, iodine, filters, radio, portable solar panel, tarps, tie wire, screws, diarrhea tabs, disinfectant, etc. It's a very low likelihood outcome but high consequence/impact. In Australia we can just shut the borders, but it's the public reaction that's the worry. Panic can come fast and make a real mess of things.
  17. News surfacing that incubation period might be up to 1 month long and that you can be infected more than once. Mass infections turning up in ROK and Iran. Honestly, I think all bets are now off. I'm not lying when I say that tomorrow morning I start to stock up on relevant items. The real risk is the panic.
  18. Yep, up to date now and is the obvious play. They won't want Bloomberg nor Warren. Sanders and Biden will be their choices. Biden has been injured by the smear campaign and the failure to remove Trump from office and Sanders is divisive and will cause the Dems to disintegrate and fight internally. Also helps Trump because he will be able to fool the rubes by saying "How could the Russians be supporting me and supporting my opposition at the same time" - "We already proved that the Russia hoax was a hoax [which it obviously wasn't - Hua] because I'm the toughest president ever on Russia, and that's why they're now backing my opponent, Vladislav Sanders". Or some shit like that, which the cult of Donny will lick up. And for the record, I don't see Trump as the problem. I see him as the outcome of a broken system where elite interests have hijacked the democratic process, where the media has become partisan entertainment and the interests of the average person are no longer the priority of those elected. When that happens, political systems become open to the populist salesmen: "I'm not like them, I'm like you and I won't lie, I'll tell you straight because I'm for the nation, not like the other guys". There's lots of historians that write about the populist always following a severe economic downturn. They come along, act like they have the answers (and that they were always easy, it's just that the others are idiots/corrupt), but it's never the case. They always get found out but not before they damage the system. However, the system has to be fucked first before they can be given the chance to get their hands on it.
  19. For real ? Certainly would make sense, back the most divisive candidate, generate claims of fraud if he doesn't make it, try and make the Dems implode, keep Trump in office.
  20. Not for me, face like concrete.
  21. Pffft, trends are for people who don't blaze their own trail. Get Covid-19 Make money.
  22. @Kultsthat is fucking brilliant. Whoever thought that up should be in charge. Plus, smash blue shirt chick.
  23. @KultsDefinitely IS a sign of the times as we have a lot of students starting here next week and they are deploying these everywhere on campus because of the corona virus scare and the amount of Chinese students there are in Australian universities. There is a huge push by unis here to try and make people feel safe so they are flooding campuses with these, signs about discrimination, hygeine practices, etc. Yes, they have been around for a long time and existed elsewhere on campus, but not at every door of every building and through the halls like they are from today onwards. .
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