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Hua Guofang

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Everything posted by Hua Guofang

  1. Just looking back I realise that I've only had time to hit the walls about 4-5 times since I took that last pic...., although I've continued to stock up. Each time there was a sale at the auto shop I'd drop in and pick a few, each birthday or xmas anyone that wanted to get me something was sent the link to an online paint shop. The stuff in the crate below are halfies and I've also added to my mega-box of cans 30% and less. Thought I'd have more time to paint in between semesters but ended up moving house and other shit that only allowed me out once. Semester is about to start again and looks like I'll get little time to paint in the next 4 months. So, stocks will probably continue to grow again....
  2. Sydney rail from 1980-2000 was just awesomeness. I don't know when this was taken but it brings back some memories and nostalgia for me.
  3. Don't care for too much else, really. great post.
  4. Getting back on that horse. Hate posting under Mek....
  5. Firstly, I'd like to take this opportunity to say that FLICKR CAN GO FUCK ITSELF. Not only have they entirelly screwed the useability of the site by trying to play catch up with Tumblr and Instagram but now they are forcing me to convert over to their system by allowing it to see my gmail/google and making me also create a Yahoo username/PW, etc. You gotta be fucking kidding me!? Are they trying to drive people away? I mean why make extra work for people to simply do no more than they did before - extra work, extra usernames, extra risk for ZERO extra return. Fuck you flickr, I'll be cancelling my account and removing all my material from your website, you fucking suck. So, now that we have that unpleasantness out of the way... I've been off the horse for some while given work/study commitments and have been doodling about and hitting simples to get my eye back in. Here's a dump of that stuff hopefully as a prelude to bigger and better things in the near future. Yay!
  6. looks like Charles Manson up there with the long hair and beard smoking the cigarette *Edit, shit, that was pages back, soz.
  7. Never don't give up, you gotta be kidding.
  8. I certainly do not. Wife is nuts.
  9. Fuckin hell, that is very clearly agladiator pit purposely built for children. I love it.
  10. This thread should be used for lessons on US modern history and sociology studies. Awesome shit.
  11. Always found US pizzas to be overly light on the toppings. Been making lots of home jobs lately, simple design - purchased base (good quality, fresh from a deli), tomato paste with some crushed garlic through it - salami/peperoni - sliced gooms - chopped capsicum - thinly sliced onion - little bit of sliced ham - small pineapple chunks - black olives - mozzarella. Nothin gourmet or flamboyant, just fuckin delish. Wife ruins her half with roasted sweet potato and anchovies.
  12. Mate, don't mean to be a prick or nothing but when you're posting stuff like this I reckon it's time to step back and readjust. I know you like to pump material out but personally I think doing less work with higher quality is more valuable than doing more work of this quality. I don't mind saying it as I know you have done much better than this but seriously, if a new bloke came in here posting stuff at this level he'd be directed to the toy thread. Again, not trying to be antagonistic or arrogant, just putting it to you, s'all.
  13. Fucking love that ^^^ As for the WC, I hadn't read that link previously and it does add context to it all. It still looks like shit but understandably so. Stopping a train like that will attract serious heat, I reckon.
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