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Posts posted by tatanka

  1. i drink pretty much every night. Once and while, all day but only get real shitty 1 to 2 times a month or less sometimes. I drink but still function and have a lot more to do in life than let drinking or moderate drug use ruin my life and what i enjoy besides.

  2. Getting shitty on nikolai 100 proof, sitting in a motel, typing this and writing on the smith corona and about to take my dog out soon and watching tv which i never do and it presents itself so well in why I never watch this fuckin idiot box. Preparing plans for tomorrow and where I may sleep

  3. Me too man. Been across the country 4 or 5 times and been north and south, hitching, walking, bus, amtrak only rode 2 trains in my life, so far, driving too but seeing threads like this just makes you want to get out soooo much more. Plus he takes some stellar photos. Definitely inspiration even for anyone whose already been on the road and has a slight idea. Most people on here think hes insane. us tramps and wanderers are the most fucking sane. Met a 56 year old lady in philly a few days ago who was on some drug and was saying they think were both nuts but their the ones who are most nuts. my dad seen me talking to this crazy lady, who loved my dog, and he walked away ahahaha. ah the alternative minds. and this KIR guy inspired me to get my uncle off his ass and find his typewriter, now i've been typing two pages front to back a day on this Smith and Corona, portable beast.

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