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  1. A few months ago, I bought a Uni-Wide and so far I don't know what to think. I bought some Black Label ink with it, which supposedly "flows through all markers". I know how to take out the tip and re-insert it and everything and I know how to fill it also. But, when I flood the marker with ink as I''ve always heard you're supposed to (I actually messed up and the whole outside of the body is stained with ink now) it's pretty much useless. I squeeze it to the point of the tip dripping and I've also squeezed some ink onto the tip also, but when I write it's always really streaky or looks like it's almost out of ink after a few tags. I've seen old flicks from the insides of subways and the tags look good, they look juicy and not streaky at all. Is it the ink, or am I filling the marker wrong, or something else? Any help with this would be appreciated.
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