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Everything posted by SureisShitty

  1. If any asheville cats would be down with taking a newbie out to a spot or two in the new future hit me up in a pm. I think most of you know who I am...
  2. damngurl ara is doing it right. nek zytar and yokai look good. my crits suck so I just compliment. ignoring the fact that this is a two inch wide outline on my calculus homework, anyone want to give some pointers on the structure? I feel like loosening up this style has made it come a long way but I want further tweakage before I waste cans on it. Looking at it I think I would bring the top of the p out more and do something with the center of the e. maybe fuck with where the bottom leg and bottom of the loop on the r meet too. Anyone have something they could think of?
  3. ishmael gus roda and dem fowly characters. god damn.
  4. That billboard has been up for a ridiculously long time. Around a year? Guess whoever owns it realizes it won't be bought anytime soon...
  5. I'll send you a message. If it doesn't work..uhhh fuck if I know.
  6. Any toys feel like meeting up to paint the tunnel at State? Send me a PM if you wanna.
  7. I dont think kerse is from here but it was the only piece on the line dammit
  8. Mods need to let people edit shit for longer windows of time. Wanted to add that jitsu is probably the best thing on this page. its uhhh solid i guess would be the word
  9. dont connect letters in tags and you might just want to leave out halos, stars, arrows, etc till you get a real handstyle going. In the throw don't let letters overlap so much that you can't see half of one. At the same time you want very little negative space unless it has aesthetic value and you probably won't be able to do something like that for a while. the w is the best letter
  10. photobucket's not a cunt anymore trying new and random things. p extension sucks ass and my brown outline varies in width too much but it's alright. could someone explain fading? I finally got a blender and tried using it but it just made everything look shitty and watercolory. It doesn't even need to be an explanation just a point in the right direction. Does the type of paper I use make a difference?
  11. Neks girlfriend has an ugly ass Savage kills the s Eido always does better than everyone else and has since my days of pureg photobuckets a cunt i was just kidding neks it's cool someone is willing to let you draw on their ass
  12. Pretty sure I saw a Rime piece rolling out of the yard in winston today. If anyone knows where they go after they should flick dat sheet.
  13. Roda's in that zine that was posted god dammit I just said zine shittylegals>nopictures
  14. imo vanishing in a certain direction on a simp looks weird though, actually I just don't really like it. doing it into the center is gudt though stanky you said it yourself I can't even read that. 3d dude I'm curious to see what you will be posting
  15. Everything artistic is a work in progress. Welcome to 12oz
  16. Thanks man. dig that stuff also, makes me think of muse from bs did he change his name by chance?
  17. Go simple dstroyerz most of that is unneeded and the letters need work. God damn that piece sucked. Yeah so I guess this is what happens when you're too lazy to color and draw things on a larger scale than the margins of your calculus notebook. My baaaad.
  18. I'll try and solve the squabble thing by not looking at the last page. No offense meant to anyone, I guess I did come off as a dick but I wasn't in the mood to do the english vocabulary any justice. This is all a lot better. What I meant the other day was try to keep always keep bars solid and not get those funky blocks overlapping each other and not doing much like in the aegos. I think you should get what I mean. That and sending lines from bars into the letter that don't belong like on the i in the satire. Also I don't entirely dig what's going on in places like the top rights of the n and a's in the aesen straight(but it is appealing overall), but some extensions could be saved if you don't send lines into the wrong places. But keep trying new things and pay attention to specific bars and styles that look exceptionally good to you. Recently been trying to get more complicated and throw in those "bullshit extensions" and it's cool to see how what I do in straights carries into the more complex stuff. Been busy but I'll come back tonight or tomorrow and put some pictures in this post to cut back on the textual overload.
  19. aaaaa quit being a bitch, I pointed out I'm on a similar level, if you interpret my posts that way its your own god damn problem. good burn though dcor, and shame on me for not paying enough attention to see a whiney ass comeback, I still say you're trying to hard whereas I fucked up a....wait for it..couple arrows on an actually painted piece. should we dig up a sketch of that so I can point out how it didn't happen when I put effort into something on paper? Now lets all chill and post pretty pictures so everyone can give the same obvious crits over and over again. and I never saw the point in buying sketchbooks when I could steal all my supplies and spend my money on dope, but I guess that's a personal opinion.
  20. dcor While flattering that is indeed not a very true statement lol. Just because they're cleanish doesn't make them befitting extensions. As with every piece I noticed how off so many aspects of that were a week later. not going to crit my own shit though. SOMEONE CRIT MAH HANDS WHERE'S A HEAD AT zoe that shit's weak and personally I don't think you should need help figuring out all the reasons why. all of you toys with weak letters and bullshit extensions need to quit wasting your money on sketchbooks and markers(because I'm pretty sure the ones I'm talking to[you know who you are] aren't racking) and start busting tons of outlines on paper. it's simply a waste to color full pages at this point. outlines, then simple fills to figure out color combos(still at these points myself so don't think I'm being uber hypocritical), then continue progressing. That is my belief.
  21. Everything looks kinka squashed height wise in comparison to the drawing. Stay critical on bar length in the curves of letters, specially the z, i think that's usually the biggest issue most of us toys have. It is fairly stylistically consistent, just keep producing nice simps till you find flow, soooo worry more about how they lean and work together than stupid bullshit extensions and shit *cough* aego crit anything, especially the one with swirls on the outsides and points on the insides. and i don't really know why I'm posting that full pager, maybe it will be as fun to look at as it was to drunkenly create? fuck it bump cred and pyer or fyer or whatever the fuck.
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