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Soup forgot his password

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Posts posted by Soup forgot his password

  1. second worst bane ever..


    how the fuck hard is it to put a motherfucker in a luchadore mask and give him a fucking greek/spanish accent...



    and why call it dark knight rises when 90% of the fucking movie is in daylight...a batman final fight in the fucking afternoon..who does that


    almost expected a burt ward cameo with a speaking part


    I face-palmed so much during that movie. Once when the tubes in bane's luchador mask came undone and the actor was supposed to look like he was struggling to fix them but all he does is just pretend like he's playing an invisible clarinette.


    The other was when Bruce was stuck in the pit and can't get out... and it never occurs to him or to anybody else to just climb the fucking rope.


    And the other was when Gordon-Levitt's character was on the radio to someone and they say,

    "Every cop has been captured!"

    "Not every cop!" And then he pumps a shotgun...


    Fucking lame.

  2. That's an interesting thought. I wrapped the headers on my streetfighter. You could argue the other way by saying the rock chips on unprotected headers allow for premature rusting as well.


    Oh and use header wrap.


    Edit: Psalm Juan, glad to see you back on two wheels. Post pics of that tail on the bike. I want to see that.

  3. 376623_410259159011080_1126986563_n.jpg

    Not my picture, just seems to be circulating.


    Fuck paying a sitter!


    If he was arab in Denver it just would've been weird, If he was black he either had an Iraq flashback or a drug addiction. If he's a white man from colorado, a place so secluded that people's dogs get eaten in their own back yards by mountain lions and grizzly bears at the same time, he's likely a little crazy.

  4. Romero, here, you and everyone in America on a budget will love this: http://www.ers.usda.gov/publications/eib-economic-information-bulletin/eib96.aspx


    For everyone else, no matter how you slice it, food stamps do more to raise the price of food than lower it. Its an agriculture subsidy in a bill with a bunch of other agriculture subsidies that works just like an agriculture subsidity, except people don't understand how it works.


    Think about it. You dont have a problem using food stamps because it's not your money. If it was money you earned it would hurt more when it comes time to spend it. Its a fact that people spend money they earn better than money they're given. And even though the money is coming out of my pocket, because the government gave it to you, it never occurs to you to pay it back.

    I'm not blaming you. This is how the system is designed. This is 100% the system's fault.


    Now the agriculture industry is getting the same kind of deal. They're getting a trillion dollars in money from the "government" every year. Do you think they're spending that money wisely? Fuck no. They didnt earn it. This also means that food companies don't care how much produce they sell because they get money from food stamps. Same with people. If the government is giving you money you dont really need to work as much. If the goernment gives a food company money it doesnt really feel like lowering the price of apples, especially when the high price of apples is guaranteed to sell because poor people have food stamps.


    What would happen if you get rid of food stamps? The high price of apples wouldnt be affordable to tens of millions of people that were once on food stamps. That's tens of millions of apples that wouldnt sell. The apple companies would be forced to lower their prices of apples. Maybe they would produce more apples to recover costs. Maybe they'd start producing less apples and reducing farm sizes, which would open up land to new entrepreneurs to grow and sell and compete in the marketplace.


    Think about why people dont grow their own food like Mr. Incognito recommended. It's because they don't have. They have food stamps, but what would be more ideal, people growing their own food? Or people continuing to spend other people's money? Which one sounds more sustainable?


    Not to get religious but there are no guarantees in life, and subsidies are a guarantee. They guarantee that tomorrow you'll be able to afford apples, but how is that working out? Not that great, huh? Subsidies are a disturbance in the natural eb and flow. They hinder change and evolution, because they try to duct tape a broken system back together.

  5. I'm shaking my head at you people.


    Its like you'd throw a bake sale for Nixon if he promised to donate less than 1% to poor people. That's what you're doing, except it's a bill made by agriculture lobbyists who promise to give a percentage towards food stamps while taking nearly a trillion dollars for themselves and jacking up the price of food so you need the food stamps to begin with.


    Food stamps shouldnt be in the farm bill to begin with. Food stamp programs shouldn't be designed by the same people who profit off the rising price of food.

  6. I watched that before, and what shocks me is how Vice is so fucking stupid to have missed the biggest thing: No use for currency, no capitalism, no drugs, and a god-like leader? That's fucking Stalinism, Communism, Socialism, etc. People misuse he term "atheist" all the time. If you worship a dictator, you're not a fucking atheist.


    I want to punch Vice journalists in the face so fucking for their anti-intellectual pseudo-gonzo crap reportage.

  7. In the East Bay, Calif. bananas are ON SALE for 75 cents a pound, bread at its cheapest is $3, usually around twice that. Milk is $5 a gallon at its cheapest. This isnt wholefoods either. Forgot I bought a twix bar too and bam, $15.


    None of this makes sense to me because (in theory at least) we're a totally self sustainable state. We grow enough produce and raise enough cattle so you'd think that the price of gas and subsidized goods from other states wouldnt factor in so much. So go figure.



    Also the thing about grains and fast foods being cheaper that fruits and vegetables is simple; They're subsidized. Fruits and vegetables don't have a single subsidy included in the farm bill. Grains and meat are highly subsidized, so between that, farmers being forced by the government to, "get big or get out" by requiring minimum harvest sizes and constant upgrades, and all the meat in this country being sold to only four companies farmers are forced to sell for the price they can get. Together this creates a market where anything made of meat and grains are going to be more affordable to consumers than vegetables and fruits. For health reasons this is a problem because nutritionists say should account for half of every american's plate, and at a price that's more expensive than it has to be.

  8. Also lets not forget ethanol. Ethanol is a corn based additive to our pumpgas that is government mandated to be mixed at a certain percentage with petroleum, creating a government made bubble for

    Corn. Its not only a contributor to high gas prices (opec is still 90% of the reason) buts also the reason food prices are going up world wide and adding to world hunger.

  9. I wanted to add to your point but im on an iphone and the wpm im able to squeeze out is frustraing to say the least. The youtube link i posted is by far the most complete information ive found on the farm bill. That includes the books ive so far looked through. That isnt to discredit reading AFTER watching he video, just that i cant recommend a book that makes a rational argument for or against the farm bill at this time. Most go into americas religious sects' duty to help the poor through irrational money wasing. But if you dont have time to listen to a discussion on a subject that explains why fruits and vegetables are so expensive compared to grains and fast food and why our entire food culture is a politically contrived mess, and why a bunch of bananas, a gallon of milk, and a loaf of bread just cost me $15, ill make a few points grounded in the video.


    Obesity in this country is directly tied into our eating habits, which are tied into what Is on sale, which is tied to government subsidies for particular crops, which is tied to lobbiests. To the price we pay at the register is covering litigation costs for farmer coalitions. Its covering government mandated overgrowing. Its covering the rising cost of food stamps.


    The foodstamp program originated in the 60s when there were actually starving people in america. That doesnt exist today and in fact obesity and foodstamps are connected.


    Ask yourself too why food stamps are even in the farm bill. Its because without food stamps nobody would vote fo the billions of dollars in subsidities awarded to farmersand food companies. The whole billion word bill is completely and utterly political and written in a way only decipherable by corporate lobbiests.

  10. What is the farm bill?

    Who pays for the farm bill?

    What affect does the farm bill have on the retail price of food?

    Is the food stamp program succeeding at its mission statement of providing short-term aid to people while they temporarily are under the poverty line, or are more people just being sucked in?

    What other options exist, and how many of them are being laid out on the table?


    A couple more articles and reports before you make a snap-decision based on two identical articles.






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