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giraffe pussy

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Posts posted by giraffe pussy

  1. and thats bad? im refining this style.



    anyway. your doodads im not feeling. and the top addons are eh. but maybe if you balanced out the let side of the R it may look better.


    i guess its not necessarily bad. i try to avoid that however. to each their own.


    i thought the same about the R.


    veds im feeling that throw, the left side of the V could be more wide though, and i think the 3d on the strait would look better if the center point was between the E and the D

  2. ^^^ just read the thread. bars, proportion, structure, flow..


    romero- fire. nice defined letters. i see what your doing with the parallel lines, i would overlap the letters slightly


    ruck- ehh.. digging the hunter theme but the letters are looking like they fell into routine.


    sheen- the bottom one above the 2nd post. i like it. keep sketching man.




  3. ive been doing this trying to refine my letters individually. so now im on decent terms with my K but i hate the A. any thoughts?


    (once again, rough sketch. just trying to get ready for paint)



    @galore. looking better, now, i can see where you could add an extention to the tail of the g, maybe bring it up towards the head of it. if you execute it right it could

    look natural, i think.

  4. big- are you saying like the one on the left opposed to the one on the right? V V V


    (obviously this is a rough sketch, i would clean it up)




    thats great advice dude. its so simple but it makes a hell of a difference



  5. i think the A S P is dope. just doesnt flow with the EK well. but yea that k is very solid.


    it looks like you so happy with the first letters, you over correct the rest. im speaking from experience. just try to not give a fuck more. you can always start over

  6. this piece here is so good, one of the best ive seen here recently for sure.


    also, im biting the middle bar of this A ok? haha, dont mean no disrespect dude just trying to see what i can do with it. keep up the good work mate


    thanks man. go for it.

    and your right about the other piece. i ended up tossing that one


    and ears, ill try that. Ks are a fucking nightmare for me. i would change my name if it wasnt so dope haha. got it from raekwon the chef. and the only other raek i herd of are from like the uk or germany or some shit.



    @mutant rancor

    that embarrasing man, even though it is the internet. aim for bettering yourself.

    "I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody."

    Bill Cosby

  7. Lastly it looks like your letters have all sorts of different styles to them. try to give all something a lot more in common. bars bars bars.



    yea just fuckin around really. giving different letters characteristics to "describe" them so to speak. it eventually turned into "lets see how many different styles i can do"






    3ds on point. i would say its structure thats lacking. maybe take a step back, a little more simple. also if your going for symmetry, commit to it. otherwise it just looks.. off.

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