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Everything posted by geargff

  1. merry xmas ct. bump that last rlaxe
  2. I always get a laugh at these guys- they don't understand they're challenging vert to get up more
  3. Bump for more graff in the news. anyone possibly got a flick of the merry xmas ?
  4. Belz on that ketamine hell yeah I wish CT's freights scene was better
  5. Rlax, kwote, focus, dize the jas7 made me lol
  6. whos on the back of that truck?
  7. bump the jas, 4scor, secr flicks
  8. oh boy theres mosquitos around?
  9. haha yeah son we be eating xtc like candy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YIrSN0UbgXg
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