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Everything posted by 2ndRodeo

  1. 2ndRodeo


    No one needed to "do it better". They're two different things and i am thoroughly impressed by both. Question: is there a saster.net (Streets Are Saying Things) that focuses on the mid-west?
  2. wow. i just realized that i'm not even in the right place. I'll be back when the next word is picked.
  3. uh 0:41? lol moving on Def a fan of your blackbook and i always look forward to your posts on the canvas thread. Always pert&pristine. i just don't see why you're giving yourself a blowjob on youtube. Never take urself too seriously as a writer. It's trashy and can be fatal to your budding reputation. I mean, we're on the toy forum for pete's sake lol smthng errone should know I like the song you picked btw.
  4. meh, since this is taking forevs, i liked it better w/o color
  5. Aw the penguin is super cute! Penmanship will come w/ time... i hope. I'm not to sharp either. Vote: Neon Bon35 or w/e
  6. you never know till you try, correct? i don't recall seeing any signs saying i had to be this tall to ride the official online thread. i guess i'm a dreamer...
  7. My submission: couldn't decide btwn the one with the construction lines and the clean one. Feel free to constructively crit.
  8. Lol oh this is just the toy thread! I like what you have here it's classically simple and well-balanced. I would love to see it outlined! You know, cleaned and dappered up :]
  9. Tot q: Is it just that 'dot' number or is it brake fluid in general that's useless? No, i do not feel like reading a million old posts to find out. Thnnnx <3 @ghostfach shouldn't use water or silicone-based paints w/ turpentine; it's meant for oils. Using something better, the mix won't have to be shaken
  10. Dope. I've always wondered how the fire extinguisher things works out. but this bugspray container sounds a lot easier to open. Regardless, i want a tutorial :D!
  11. now in delicious new flavors! I want that pink.
  12. @viper it's been a while since i've jizzed my pants this hard. beautiful stuff. :love3: @monestar i'd love to see the whole canvas!
  13. 2ndRodeo


    don't have any flicks or w/e. never saw the point in that. but hey, next time i'll take one special, for you :love2: I'll put a heart somewhere in it for all you lovely ohio cunts here. but i wouldn't recommend holding your breath, nick,... its mighty cold outside :umm:
  14. But that being said, the gold, account to wiki :p was help in WTC 4, one of the low-rise buildings. I don't trust wiki though. The vault that i speak of, correction is not only one of the largest in america, but one ofthe largest in the world. Either way, I don't care. I try not to think about it.
  15. I didn't bother reading this dumbass paper. Every newyorker knows that the twin towers were designed to collapse upon themselves SO that they wouldn't fall over and kill not only the people inside, but the people underneath their shadows. Yes, there were weakened areas of the building. It is only logical that there should be. Furthermore, I went to P.S. 234, an elementary school down the street and i didn't hear shit but the first plane. What a day that was.... But what i want to know is why should it matter if bombs went off in the basement? It would have been the same jackoffs who put it there. Their motive, however-- Wait, i think i might see what the psycho paper-guy is trying to suggest. IN the basements of the twin towers, gold was kept. Like... a shit-ton of America's gold. With a sudden SUBSTANTIAL decrease in the supply of American gold, stocks would have broken the charts. Anyone who was invested in gold on the day, retired the second news of the twin towers' fallings hit national televisions. Here's why this is relevant. There is a rumor that the attacks were forewarned. I saw the warning letter to US (fake or real, idk) where binladen explained why he was mad and how he was going to seek revenge. The story was that he was abandoned by the Us or something. Anywany, the question is whether or not the letter was real. The letter being real, some may have said, "if the attack is going to happen anyway, fuck it, might as well ensure that we get something out of it... with this bomb!" The letter being fake, those same people could have fabricated the whole farfetch'd story of Bin Laden being an ex us operative scorned, while somehow convincing the smarter, more influential religious leaders of... uhm... iraq? ... to convince their illiterate peons to commit "jihad". Either way, like i said, I didn't hear shit explode of feel the ground shake but at the impact of the first plane, but my conclusion doesn't sound half bad, does it? neverminding my lack of exact information and typos lol. I got the gist of my crazy theory down :p Should I read the stupid paper?
  16. 2ndRodeo

    The Flower

    Wow. I loved that vid. It's funny, marijuana prohibition. Watching that video, I thought how marijuana could become a commodity, like precious ores or stones. This could be a good thing, but idk if our world should be responsible for introducing another commodity into the market. Take gold, diamonds, and milk. These commodities are in abundance. In a completely free market, the prices on these items would be exactly what the middle class says they should be (which could possibly decrease a producer's marginal gain over time, maybe driving unfair trade for labor v wages. Duh. Which is unfortunate, but not for the consumer, directly) However, this is not the case. While for many commodities, consumers have the ability to drive prices in a lesser direction, some are very regulated (which often protects consumers in many cases :)). But here is an uglier side. We've all heard of farmers legit destroying crops, given stipends from the state afterwards, right? I forget the name of the type of stipend. It has the same effect that the largest diamond-traders, De Beers, creates when they bottle-neck supply. Less supply means higher prices. If the price of milk starts to drop too low, suddenly there will be less milk than there was before. Common knowledge. But the above is almost irrelevant because, if marijuana was legalized, it would without a doubt be public, heavily regulated by the state. This would not be a problem if weed was not the panacea that is it perceived to be. Those dependent on it for medical purposes or otherwise would loyally seek it like a diabetic seeks insulin. No matter the price of insulin, it has to be bought. But marijuana is not essential to life as insulin is. It is just mentally addictive and very nice to have around. For that reason, its consumers can be easily abused without the nasty guilt that comes with dead diabetics. I'm not trying to say that consumer abuse is inevitable with the legalization of marijuana. I just (needless to say) i have little faith in human empathy and compassion towards others.
  17. I'm just reading and laughing at all of this. I just don't see why anyone cares. What do historians and nerds, like half of you guys here, expect to discover? What present-life-changing bit of information could be found (that WOULDN'T start a crusade/manhunt)? Just legit wondering what the point is. Though... it would be sweet as shit to shape-sift. Thanks too all of the visitors on this thread who made it extra funny.
  18. ha i wish the second pic hadn't been deleted
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