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Everything posted by substanceOVERhype

  1. aks is makin my license plate right now in Green son..... who you?
  2. LOL, yea pass judgement based on an article written like 15 yrs ago. He's prolly smokin crack somewhere right now right? in a crack house:rolleyes: go do some ugly tall tags herb.
  3. yea, but their money is as green as the rolling hills of South Carolina.
  4. Travis.Logan Says: Wed, 11/17/2010 - 16:46 He is a very smart dick and is completely crazy enough to have this as his cover for future steriod use. Mark my words this may be the new loophole for gaining that unfair advantage in the most independent sport in the world. ^^^this, and when that happens it will be a sad day for the sport.
  5. none of those links work, negs alll around.
  6. i was the kid who got his hand cut off in the 80s
  7. oh stop arguin kiddos, this is the internet. you look silly.
  8. whats that a tissue box wit sperm on it?
  9. oh shush, im just breakin all you guys balls who wouldnt know what to do with a can of rusto if your lives depended on it. LOL na na na na na na! Jokes on you!
  10. dont mind me, just shutting this thread down with burners done in American paint, no fancy bullshit imported with tips your momma can use and not drip.
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