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Everything posted by substanceOVERhype

  1. case in point. take it to church, put it in a collection plate.
  2. LOLLL, I stopped even chiming in, too many people jump down your throat when you say truth like this, fortunately you used humor to infiltrate the hard shells of the toys who dont know that a burner is supposed to have stylized lettering. :lol:
  3. He better enjoy the spotlight now, cuz whats gnna happen is hes gnna try another silly kick or somethin and fail miserably and look stupid. Im callin it now.
  4. I was told that the blubber owner buys autobody paint at a wholesale cost, literally takes the labels off and relabels them. after seeing this video, you can tell. lol. Ive used the paint and its trash, why anyone would want to use it is beyond me, it's funny how theres soo much technology and promo behind the process of the cans, yet they have such a wack and low budget label graphic. just terrible. looks like some halloween silly string or colored hair spray for teens.
  5. Anf you just won the first place UMAD award. suck it.
  6. shush lil boy with your tough guy screen name, no one cares what you have to say the big people are talking.
  7. OF COURSE he trains, cant you tell by his free self bio? he somewhere training right now, and betting on himself.
  8. Not a stalker and have no idea what your opinion is or was on anyone. I dont care BRAH, it aint about you. make your 2 gees. If you knew what you were talking about in this sport you woulda made 2 gees off him winning Sat night. Instead you just act like dudes not a good fighter, thats what your saying here, cuz no one makes bets about a fight being EXCITING BRO. UMAD? kegstand.jpeg
  9. Just admit it was boring? LOL uhh, because it wasnt... I enjoyed the fight, every round. Why can;t you admit youre a frat boy with a Brock Lesner Sword tattood on your chest?
  10. yea you right, he wasnt puttin kicks on his legs all over the place either. and didnt have him on his back either. 25 min. of Rocky, mmmmmhmmmm....
  11. \ how quickly they forget the EXCITEMENT
  13. Thank you Yodsa for sonning the frat boys. who in their raging umaddery resort to negprops LOL gotta love these salty sweat brimmed fellas. Gsp is mathmatical with his shit and training with Freddie Roach camp showed major improvement with the jab and the fact that it broke KossCHEEKS whole demeanor proved that.
  14. ok so, INSTEAD of the boring "ground and pound" he decided to box him. and that's boring too. I think Im figuring out the UFC entertainment values of a frat boy now. thnx. anything shy of flying, is laaame.
  15. hey lets argue. side note. Gsp is strategic and accurate. Umad.
  16. I was thoroughly entertained, every jab was like"OHHHHHH" "OHHHHH" and them slapping leg kicks, Gsp just broke Koschecks soul.... it was good.
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