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Everything posted by substanceOVERhype

  1. my nigga got a canal street arm tattoo. fuego.
  2. you mean people are actually having some nyc pride in here? complaining about non nyc pics getting posted? who woulda thought? Im speechless.
  3. How in the hell can a 20 year sentence be minimized to no jailtime at all and 2yrs probation? 20 yrs is the eqivilent of murder. Would that fag get 2 yrs probation on a murder charge? This fuckin ass backward country.
  4. Like I said its too late, dont matter if these toys walked outside naked asking SEEN to teach them how to piece. Its too late.
  5. 90% of the toys in this thread cant do a burner on the ground, youre too late ny fell the fuck off 5 yrs ago. makin plans to step your game up now is way too late.
  6. but still needs to be mentioned in the JA thread for attention. just sayin.
  7. wardens gnna be gamblin big bucks for some in house fights like a Jean Claude movie. or wesly snipes.
  8. that aint selena gomez, bitch is like 13 in real life.
  9. All good, just wait till he tries his nextl Fying Lotus Karate Kid Triple Lindy to FAIL..... And see how you herbs just avoid the UFC MMA thread for a week.. LOLL
  10. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Pettis is a good fighter and he takes pride in bragging about flashy knock outs/finishes, so if you knew anything about his character as a fighter it's clear, he will prolly be trying something similar again. Why would you pull the umad card? I dont think you meant what you think you meant. Try using it when someone is mad. lol
  11. so dope! I would love to drive by that to work everyday. Id honk and wave
  12. Cope still got that mass appeal, toys spend days jockin
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