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Posts posted by MANOFDANIGHT

  1. i'll be your friend.....


     <embed type='application/x-shockwave-flash' salign='l' flashvars='&titleAvailable=true&playerAvailable=true&searchAvailable=false&shareFlag=N&singleURL=http://wtvr.vidcms.trb.com/alfresco/service/edge/content/18abc400-fa44-463b-be9b-5cf10df97e82&propName=wtvr.com&hostURL=http://www.wtvr.com&swfPath=http://wtvr.vid.trb.com/player/&omAccount=triblocaltvglobal&omnitureServer=wtvr.com' allowscriptaccess='always' allowfullscreen='true' menu='true' name='PaperVideoTest' bgcolor='#ffffff' devicefont='false' wmode='transparent' scale='showall' loop='true' play='true' pluginspage='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer' quality='high' src='http://wtvr.vid.trb.com/player/PaperVideoTest.swf' align='middle' height='450' width='300'></embed>

  2. ^Does anybody even take this cheerleader seriously?


    I mean come on dawgs... you sound like a fucking 14 year old.

    First you was riding Boners dick crazy hard, then you bounce around and rant on other niggas but the only thing that is apparent

    from any of your rantings is that you really don't know jack shit what the fuck you're talking about.


    You're a fucking troll. Go play some video games cause you've already played yourself on here.


    big baby gee is right...and if you cant comprehend that your a fucking idiot ...shut the fuck up and do what he says or i'll kill you.....not really........but maybe

  3. Too toy, Too toy is what you were looking for...:cool:


    Im going to be honest, I dont do graffiti. Don't really care for it. I come on 12oz To get schooled on grammer. Thank you mr. WongBurger.


    Im going TO the store.

    I ate TOO much pussy last night.


    I think i got it down now.

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