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Everything posted by visual_ransom

  1. no no baby!.....leave the graffiti on....
  2. and singing supercalafragalisticexpialadoshus while...
  3. i was gonna say the one on the far right, but then i saw she has no butt and deceiving front body. so pick the middle chick. FOL
  4. false, chipotle. tpbm would let a guy give a BJ for 5 mil.
  5. man all those bullet ones at the same time is so fucking awesome. and that bomb turret is the worst gif ever, there's like a self feeding pac-man at the bottom that magically regurgitates the the shit into that box. like its magic.
  6. true, but only cause i'm saving money up tpbm would sell out if they could
  7. like a mofo tpbm has weak facial hair
  8. from a guy who lives a rainbow life, you'd think you could actually distinguish colors. Fagtron to the rescue!
  9. do you seriously have to type in orange all the time? and no, i don't think its fake, the dent reflection goes with her too perfectly.
  10. seriously...i woulda put some hot oil in a cup and thrown it at her.
  11. FALSE, but i'm sure he doens't really give a shit either way. tpbm will donate their caps lock key to pissdrunkwhat
  12. not think...know (and limp bizkit isn't all that bad, he has some good songs) tpbm has gotten their ass kicked before
  13. false havn't had anything actually :( tpbm likes limp bizkit
  14. false, seems interesting though tpbm likes to follow people
  15. false i don't have any so i'm hoping they don't go as planned. tpbm powders his balls
  16. OH NOES!!!!!!!!!!!1111111 :rolleyes:
  17. false, coudln't even read it. the person below me wears glasses or some kind of eye sight correction object thingy
  18. you know i gotta say, for a bunch of crazy white people, they seem like a bunch of good sports.
  19. good sports too, and a nice wompy titties at the end.
  20. false 6 months the longest. tpbm wants to get out of his relationship
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