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Posts posted by GUESS WHO I AM

  1. lol....you little fagg.....look how i got you....got you all nervous. making you put all this pics of your gay ass work.....you even put up a staged video.... you think thats gonna impress me... you still got no street creditability .....


    yo ewok.....stop putting up pics you got permission for and passing them like you went out bombing...lol


    you funking herb



    hey im having coffee here at the coffeee shop.....come through



    you remember the coffee shop right ewok............wink wink



    admit it and i will stop!!!!!

  2. look at this little faggot.....son u aint a writer... all your shit is legal spot... i give no credit......go make some kids book for the cartoon network... you never put in any kind of work... U R A FRAUD!!! PERIOD.


    the minute you admit u aint no ill writer i will have some kind of respect 4 u and ur gay ass work.


    until then you a little fag who moved to CT with your domestic partner.

  3. yo ewok why do you even respond??? are you mad that i know who you are. i finally got to you??? cause at first you were just ignoring me and the comments i left on your gay ass pics. all of a sudden you come back in a defensive mode??? and dont forget that u are still trying to pass as another. you fucking fagg

  4. Now you riding uends cock???? You should cause maybe he can teach you how to really piece. You fucking little fuck. Uens would won't be slapping nothing you gay ass toy. You know where to find this white polish fuck. Come to my hood faggot.

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