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Everything posted by Invisible_man

  1. Yeah yeah. I did this I did that. Y'all niggas need a girlfriend or even some friends. That's what boredom does to y'all herbs. Lol
  2. Nigga said a dude is cute and said no homo. Lol. WTF. Y'all cats should start eating better instead of all the poison. Niggas is overgrown mutant dummies.
  3. Fuk wrong wit niggas googlin gay males and postin shit. Fukn weird ass nigs
  4. Notice all the niggas talkin shit on here a toys or mad cuz they shook to pull a can out. Niggas hatin on Lewy, Nemz, Shaun...etc. But nobody gotta name. What a shame. Niggas mad cuz they sisters be on my dils.
  5. Uh oh. Lol. We gotta another fan here. Smh.
  6. How long that took u to make? Lol. Niggas be goin hard on google and Photoshop to have artillery on 12 oz. What a joke!
  7. Damn. Niggas take half the time out their day to try and play someone on 12 oz. :confused:
  8. Mad writers were white in the 80's and niggas was in the hood.
  9. Know what counts? Being up. Who cares if u walk, drive or ride a bike. Either way u get bagged u gettin arrested.
  10. Latvian Orthodox [ATTACH]166173[/ATTACH]
  11. Dope flick. Looks like the Prospect Park shuttle tracks
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